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She ran away like a startled deer escaping a predator, mumbling a quick sorry,

I mean what the fuck is she sorry for,
Does she want me to feel bad? I don't know

Am I feeling bad? Frankly, I don't..
But will I do this again? Hell, yes.

My lips still tingled with the memory of that kiss, and her lips had trembled against mine.

I pulled back, wondering if I might have pushed her a bit too far, But when I looked at her,

God her eyes, looking at me like I took a toy from a toddler,

How can I resist?

So I kissed her, again.

And she kissed me back, desperately, deeply.

Maybe she was not in a calm state, maybe her thoughts were tormenting her, stressing the hell out of her,

So she took me as an escape.

Maybe she didn't even realize what she was doing, and by the time she did, it was too late.

It might not seem like it, but I might have taken advantage of her, her vulnerable state.

I know, I know it is wrong.
But here is the thing, I don't feel bad.

I really did try to feel bad, but I couldn't. All I could think of was how soft her lips were, just as I'd imagined.

I wasn't oblivious to the way she'd taunted me, trying to provoke me. Her eyes gleamed with a mischievous glint, and she seemed to be thoroughly enjoying this game.

She was enjoying it...this bite.

But she need to know if she bite, I'll bite harder.

"I don't know what is going on, on that pretty head of yours", my assistant, John commented, making me break my furious eye contact with myself,

I glanced at him through the mirror as I just applied lipstick, the exact shade of red, smeared on her lips, a shade as bold and fiery as our encounter.

The image of our kiss played vividly in my mind

I am so excited for today, I won't let anyone shit on my parade.

"You suddenly decided you want to do this shoot, which by the way is totally unnecessary, and you picked who you want to work with?

"Yeah so," I replied, I don't pay him to recite my own decisions, he is getting paid to do what he was told, not to question them.

He didn't look surprised by my words, he just rolled his eyes.

Hmm...Its giving attitude, what should I do for him to tone it down.

Nope, not now.

I have to meet her, don't spend your time thinking about useless things.

"Whatever, your little photographer is here and she has company, they started setting..."

He started talking about the shoot, but all that registered in my mind was,

She is here


"One day, we'll build a studio like this", Aira remarked, gazing around the bustling studio.

"Thinking of a career change from photography to construction, are you?" I teased with a faint smile.

She gave me a look, "Are you nervous?"

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