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“How is this one?”

“For the love of God, Nat. You literally own the same clothes in different colors,” Beth sighed through the computer screen.

I blinked, a little taken aback by her bluntness. I glanced at the pile of clothes on my bed.

Maybe there were one or two... okay, more like twelve pairs that looked suspiciously similar, but the rest were undoubtedly different.

“What! That's not true,” I protested, trying to defend my wardrobe choices.

Beth was having none of it. She pointed her finger towards the pile, her amused expression kind of pissing me

“Okay, okay... Last one. How is this?” I held up a dusky pink button-up shirt, someone had once complimented me on it, I look good in it. Plus, it was the only semi-formal shirt I owned, so it has to be it.

“That one actually looks good,” Beth conceded, her critical gaze softening. Then she leaned in closer, her voice lowering conspiratorially,

"But seriously, what's with the sudden dress question?”

“Wait...”, she looked as if she figured something out, “You're going on a date, aren't you?” she shrilled.

“Just wear that sexy black dress hanging on your chair, you'll look so hot in that.”

“And besides what kind of person go to a date in the morning” she frowned.

My gaze flickered towards the elegant black dress hanging on the back of my chair. It was indeed the most sexiest thing owned.

When did I last wear it?

Memories I'd rather not entertain crept in, and I quickly pushed them aside.

“I'm really happy that you're finally going out, finally moving on from that asswipe,” Beth exclaimed, her voice piercing through my thought, I looked at her dumbfounded.

She looked excited.

Wait...She is thinking I am going on a date.

I chuckled, shaking my head. “Its not a date,” I corrected her, “ And besides, I'm not going to meet guys.”

“Why not?”, She scrunched her nose in confusion. "Then who are you dressing up to impress?"

“I'm going to meet someone for breakfast—a girl,” I clarified.

Beth's eyes widened, and she nodded approvingly, like a proud parent. “Well, congrats on going out with a girl! Didn't know you liked girls, but whatever makes you happy, I'm happy for you.”

I laughed. “I don't like girls, Beth. To be honest, I don't think I'll like anyone anymore. I'm just meeting with a potential client.”

“She just invited me for breakfast at this fancy place, know I don’t want to look know, less fancy” I looked down at my sweatshirt and pyjama short

Yup, have to fancy up

“Okay...First of all, any dress you wear, you know you can make it fancy. All you need is just a little bit of confidence. And second, when did you start having breakfast with your client?”

And that's why people, my sister is the best. No one can boost me up like she does. She knows I look like I escaped from a kidnapper, but look at her just hyping me up.

Trying to make me feel like a million bucks, no matter what.

I told her,“No, its just...she asked me suddenly and what do I do? Outright reject her?”

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