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Wow, it was so…


If I wasn’t informed before that this was some big shot designer’s party, my immediate guess would have been a frat party.

Agreed the place looked fancy as hell, yet, the people,


Loud music,

And what was that? Was it, syringe? Oh, never mind, I don’t even want to know.

As I navigate through the crowd, my eyes scanned the chaotic scenes in front of me.

These people are crazy.

The room was shrouded in darkness, and these people were smearing each other with these…Vibrant fluorescent powders.

Already it’s a huge task to figure out who is who, is that really necessary.


When we all arrive at this mansion of a house, everyone was screaming how much fun we all gonna have.

But here I am,

Roaming around, alone.

Which might be on me, because they did urged me to join them in mingling with strangers,

Talking, that too with strangers.

No, I had chosen solitude.

The irony of my decision weighed heavily upon me as I just witnessed Ramiz and Michel making out in one corner, and Helen, so engrossed in conversation this buff guy on the other corner.

At least they are having fun,

Heaving a sigh, with a Budweiser bottle in my hand, I just walked around muttering sorry’s at the drunk people who were pushing me around.

The house seemed like a mystical park, with its labyrinthine pathways and seemingly endless space, like in a maze.

I’m definitely lost.

What in the!

There she was, right in the middle of it all, with everyone's eyes locked on her, craving that brief moment of connection. It was like she had a personal spotlight shining down on her, and people were clamoring for her attention.

Every eye in the vicinity was fixated on her, their gazes longing for a fleeting moment of connection.

Amidst the chaos, perched upon a the large sofa, as if it were her throne. Her posture exuded confidence, her back straight and her head held high. She observed the frenetic scene with a serene and composed expression, as if she were untouchable, unaffected by the chaos surrounding her.

Her eyes, deep pools of mystery, surveying the crowd with a mix of curiosity and detachment. It was as if she held a secret knowledge, privy to a world unknown to the rest of us. Every now and then, her lips curved into a subtle smile, as if she knew the effect she had on others,

Everyone around her, Soo eager to talk to her, but her expressions remained passive. With a flute of—maybe…champagne.

She was just looking around, like observing everything.

And as if sensing my gaze, in the room full of people who are looking at her, her head turned in my direction, her gaze instantly connecting with mine.

It might be also possible that she might have been creeped out by my gaze.


I immediately averted my gaze, feeling a surge of panic. Maybe I should leave this place, but for now I left the room.

Captured by Her |WLW|Where stories live. Discover now