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Ramiz nudged my arm, diverting my attention from the celebrities and shaking my camera.

“She looks gorgeous, isn’t she?” he remarked.

It was an understatement to say I was royally pissed because if he keeps spoiling my candid shots in the perfect timing, then I’ll have nothing spectacular to show Amanda, and you don’t want to see a disappointed Amanda.

That means I ‘m gonna get lectured, again. But nevertheless, I saw his line of vision to see the fashionable stars on the evening.

The turnout of celebrities exceeded everyone’s expectations, a testament to the power of Glamourique, an influential fashion and lifestyle magazine. They cover fashion, beauty, culture, and lifestyle trends.

They are also the nosy neighbor aunty of entertainment blogs. With insider information on secrets, scandals, and relationships, attending a Glamourique event was both a social spectacle and a potential hazard.

“Yeah, they’re all great,” I replied casually, my eyes scanning the star-studded crowd. “But I’ve seen better,” my gaze wandering as I searched for someone whose name I didn’t want to utter even in my mind.

She has to be here.

“Look at that,” Ramiz pointed out Amanda engrossed in conversation with an executive organizer. Aira, not approving of the interaction, shot daggers with her eyes.

“Why is she getting all chummy with him?” Aira grunted, visibly irritated.

“Well, they both look single and cute, so why not?” Ramiz chuckled, attempting to capture the moment with his camera.

Aira, unamused, punched his arm, disrupting the shot, “Dude! Why?”, he whined, shaking his head. She wasn’t paying any attention to him as she marched off to Amanda and dragged her off with her to god knows where.

“I can't believe we let those two lecture about blending with the surroundings and take pictures like a shadow,” I told Ramiz, earning a laugh from him.

“Well, chop chop, need work to do, let's roll,” he said, moving past me to take stills of the celebrities.

They went all out on decorating, and if they had given some money to a good cause, maybe I'd see it differently. But hey, it's their money, so who am I to judge?"

I tried to be as subtle as possible, trying to take candid pictures of the celebrities, but it somehow looked awkward for me. They all looked like they were born for this.

I still don’t know what happened with Amanda and the Glamourique head because even though he did have a lot of people on his beck and call, he wanted us to cover the event, and what’s even weird is when he proposed that Amanda has to accept that because apparently we ‘owe’ him one.

What is that? She won’t tell

I took pictures of the celebrities, and suddenly there she was!

My attention was abruptly drawn to her–Vera Martins. She stood out like a vision in her red dress, perfectly complementing her porcelain skin. Every detail, from the way the dress hugged her figure to the mischievous smile playing on her lips.

I don’t know if she was trying to be the one to have everyone’s eyes on her or it was natural for her like she was breathing.

She was talking to someone, so closely, like they were lovers having a secret.

Why should I care?

Why should I care that she is giggling with someone?

Why should I care that she looks like she was having the time of her life?

Captured by Her |WLW|Where stories live. Discover now