21: Sinister

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Driving with the window down as he rest his elbow on it, feeling the wind gushing over as he massage his lips while his other hand were controlling the handle, maneuvering the streets of night as he ponders.

Not long enough, he switched a lane that is bound the opposite of his supposed direction—the thoughts of his husband itches him more to see him especially how everything keeps popping out of nowhere. He’s probably dealing with stress or anxiety right now at how his long time friend would ended up working with him at the same company. Everything feels connected, but he knew, Renjun still having its moment to connect the dots.

He should've just told him before about it, but he doesn't want to force everything in. He wants Renjun to find it himself, without having the pressure to understand things—he actually don't know, as much as he wanted Renjun to know everything, he just feel so distant that he find it hard himself to step up to. For now, he doesn't want to force everything.

Jeno and Renjun already knew each other way even before Jaehyun could met Renjun and finds out his friendship with his brother—it is awkward for some reason, he thought at some point that what if his brother has feelings for Renjun or anything shit like that but he doesn’t want to ruin everyone or anything in between the three of them, and other than that, he knew nothing about their relationship with each other anyway, so it’s just all on his head. Renjun made it clear that they were friends long time ago, but he can't help but to feel awkward.

He reads the time on his watch while securing the grip on the bouquet of flowers he bought—the night wasn’t deep, it’s not early nor late. Perfect to cook a dinner for both of them.

He reach out his hand to ring the bell, but was too hesitant—what if he’s already asleep, it would be more awkward if he came just to ruin his peaceful sleep. Renjun still lives at the apartment he bought, he misses him and no other reason than that.

He cleared his throat as he loosen the collar of his polo, thinking whether should he hide his face with the flower or just hands it over to his husband in the most coolest and casual way. He didn’t know he can be this anxious, scared, and excited at same time.

Scratching his nape, released a big-deep-sharp sigh as he finally ring the bell with a little shaky hand, he immediately put his cold fist inside his pocket—corners of his fingers are now sweaty and his fingertips rest at cold. It’s like he’s asking his lover to have a date with him for the first time.

Seconds passed but no one’s responding, that actually made him more anxious, nonetheless, he tried again.

“Did you guys order something?” Jana asked, her vision still on the TV screen as she shove popcorn into her mouth.

“It’s almost ten now, we just ordered pizza a while ago.” Haechan even gestured at the obvious two pizza box in front of them—one empty and the other have three more left.

Renjun suddenly got anxious and it was his instinct telling him it’s his husband. He was cold sweating on his seat and doesn’t know how to move, as if it was more scarier than the horror films they were watching.

It rings again, as if the person were having no patience and just wanted to come in, and with that, Jaemin got up from the floor and lazily walks through the door.

“Jaemin!” Renjun shout after being paralyzed and had to think more. The worry on his face was visible, he was scared for some reason and they can tell.

“Are you okay?” Jana asked softly, it’s probably because of the scary movie reason why they are all anxious.

“What if it’s a killer like from the movie?” he sounded desperate and almost incoherent, the defensive on his voice was enough for them to read the room.

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