Chapter Four: Death and Libraries

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Error's POV two weeks later

I wake up, unable to see anything. Then I reach out for the glasses, which I learned has a device attached to it. I don't feel them anywhere though. I feel someone hand me it.

"Here you go darling."A voice says

I snatch the glasses, putting them on and the device activates, giving me my vision back as I come face to face with Reaper. Him again? Why is he here?

"WhAt iS gOinG oN? WhAt d0 y0u wAnT?"I ask

"Your eyes look beautiful."He says, putting a hand on my cheek.

"GeT y0uR hAnD oFf oF mE!"I snap, starting to feel my body fizzle and glitch out

He removes his hand, apologizing.

"Are you free to go out together?"He asks

Part of me was surprised that he'd be interested. He has only come to tease me in the past. But the other part of me wasn't and was only concerned.

"YoU wAnT mE oR gEnO?"I ask in return

He has an identity problem from what I have noticed. But lately he has gotten over it and show interest in me as me and not Geno. But then there are his other....interests that don't exactly line up with mine.

"You, duh."He says

That didn't exactly convince me, only unsettling me more as he stares me down.

"UmMm, I tHiNk I aM bUsy tOdAy bUt wE cAn sEe aBoUt aNoThEr dAy."I say, trying to climb out of bed.

He nods.

"Alright, I will plan the activities!"He says, taking out his scythe and teleports away.

I head down the halls, going to Horror's room. He smiles at me as he carves some wood with his axe. I sit with him and start making puppets. He taps his phone and music starts to play. It's very relaxing. Relaxing quiet for a bit while we both craft away with our hobbies. Then the door swings open and Nightmare is standing there with his arms crossed.

"Any reason that Reaper intruded on this place and went into your room?"He asks sharply

"HeLl iF I KnEw, hE jUst aPpeArS. DiD thAt In mY hOmE pLenTy oF tImeS."I say

"And my brother's emotions change for you because....?"He asks, narrowing his eye

"AReN'T yOu tHe nEgaTiViTy eXpErt oR wHatEvEr?"I say

He starts grumbling to himself.

"What are you even doing in here?"He asks

"HaViNg a NicE tImE beFoRe yOu sHowEd uP."I say, turning back to the crafts

He slams the door and I hear him stomp away.

"Still having problems with him?"Horror asks

"DoN'T gEt mE stArTeD."I say, shaking my head

I get a text and check my phone to see that Blue is offering to hang out. I smirk, seeing a way for both of us to get a break from Nightmare. I reply to the message, making plans with Blue.

"HEy, HoRrOr. WaNnA gO mEeT a BuD oF mInE?"I suggest

"Sure!"He says, picking up his creations eagerly

I open a portal and we walk through, meeting Blue. I introduce them to each other and the three of us hit it off quite well.

Meanwhile Nightmare's POV

"Failed again?"Killer asks as I march into my room

"Shut up."I snap

"Ya know, it seems like your alliance is more of a closer rivalry. You really suck at making peace with him."He says

"He's causing it tough! He's always so snippy and hostile! Refusing to collaborate in the slightest."I say

"What did you expect from an independent destroyer and god of destruction that couldn't ever trust or have to work with others before? You have to convince him to trust you. Trust is earned, not given."He says

"Well what do you expect me to do?"I snap

"The same thing that you did to help us settle in. Find stuff that he likes or fitting for him and he may be more open to you."He suggests

"Uggghhh..."I groan, slamming the door on his face

How the heck am I supposed to do that? Even if I do find something that he likes I will get my head ripped off if I even try to adjust anything for him! Why did I ever think that this was a good idea?

I sit at my desk, thinking. Then I glance to the only door to my giant library. He does like reading...

A few days later, Error's POV


Reaper: Hey darling, you free? We could dine, watch movies and 👉👌


Knock knock!

The door opens and Killer leans in.

"Boss wants to see you in his room."He says, leaving right afterward.

What does he want now?

I head to his room, finding the door already open. I walk inside and the door shuts behind me.

"WhAt nOw?"I ask, crossing my arms

I glance over, seeing him spread in his bed. I notice the signs. Him there with the exits locked and just us in it.

"HeLl nO! RiGhT wHeN i ThOuGhT tHaT yOu hAd SoMe iNtElLiGeNcE!"I say, going to the door and trying to unlock it

"Error, I want to show you something."He says

"NoT iNtEreStEd yOu fReAk!"I snap, then see his tentacles wrap around my wrists

My body starts shaking and my glitching worsens as he drags me closer to him.

"LeT gO oF mE! NoW!"I snap

He releases me and grins, climbing out of bed. I back away from him quickly.

"Relax, Error. You're my ally. I won't do anything to harm you."He says

"TcH. I'vE heArD tHaT bEfOrE."I say, rolling my eyes

"Is that so?"He asks

"YeAh aNd ThEy wErE aN aSsHoLe sO tHaT pHrAsE dOeSn'T mEaN aNyThiNg tO mE. NoW, wHaT tHe heLl dO yOu WaNt?"I ask

He grabs some keys and goes to a door to the right of us. He unlocks it and opens the door, gesturing for me to go through. I cautiously step through with him behind me, finding a huge library on the other side.

"WhAt...?"I say, looking around

"I lock the others out so they don't make a mess of it. But I've noticed that you like to read so you can come whenever you please."He says, dropping the keys into my hand

I glance at him, shocked. Then I pause, catching on.

"ANd wHat'S thE caTcH. ThEre iS aLwAyS oNe."I say

"Don't let those fools in."He says

What...? This doesn't cost me anything? He isn't trying to use me? Huh...

I smile widely.

"THaNkS nIghtMaRe."I say

He seems shocked, then smiles as well.

"No problem."


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now