Chapter 33: True Feelings

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Error's POV

"YoU lOvE mE...? EvEn iF yOu wOn'T aLwAyS gEt t0 tOucH mE aNd weLl...YoU knOw..."I say hesitantly

"Of course! You're so much more than those aspects! I don't care about that if it means I can be with you!"He tells me

"AnD yOu'Re SuRe tHaT yOu mEaN tHiS? It iSn'T iN tHe hEaT oF tHe mOmEnT? ThInGs hAvE beEn cRaZy ANd yOuR eMoTiOnS aRe CleArLy RuNnInG hIgH...MiXeD wItH dReAm gEtTiNg oN yOuR nErVeS oN pUrPoSe....YoU sHoUlD tHiNk tHiS tHrOuGh..."I say, hesitant about believing this

I am still unsure if this is real or not. I come out of a living nightmare to find that my crush just so happens to return the feelings and confesses? Feels too good to be true.

He nods, his eye turning to a heart.

"I'll make you so happy, Error. I promise."He says

My phone rings. I reach out, picking it up.


"Error! Hey! I haven't heard from you in a while! I got you something for you!"Buffer says

"HeY bUfFeR...YeAh tHiNgS aRe coMpLiCaTeD."I say

"Open a small portal!"He says

I nod, opening a portal. A necklace gets tossed through, clicking around my neck.

"That's a True Intentions charm! It can sense someone's true intentions for the wearer! Any with bad intentions get knocked away!"He says

"ThAnKs BuFfeR..."I say, shutting the portal

"You sound tired so I will let you go. Bye!~"He says, hanging up

"Error? Are you awake yet?"Blue shouts

"BroThEr?"Paps shouts

"PaPs!"I yell, climbing out of bed to find him.

Anything to get away from that awkwardly tense situation. I run to Paps and the moment he pulled me into a hug I knew that I'm truly safe. He is surprised at the ears and tail that he finds growing on me. I tell them what Ink did and they shake their heads.

"BlUe...ThAnK y0u s0 muCh..."I say

"Anything for a friend!"He says

"WhAt w0uLd y0u l1ke noW, Br0?"Paps asks

"To g0 t0 mY r0oM aNd sLeEp. i fEeL eXhAuStEd..."I say

Paps leads me to bed and I climb right into it.

"Y0u hAvE aN inTeReSt1nG oUtfiT oN."He comments

"NiGhtMaRe dReSsEd mE..."I say, taking my glasses off

"InTeReSt1ng. LoVe yOu, slEeP wElL."He says as I doze off

I smile, finally able to rest peacefully.

When I wake up and get my glasses on, I find my new necklace glowing brightly. I gently hold it and my mind gets overwhelmed with different images. I shut my eyes, trying to process them. I notice that they should three different scenarios.

The first shows me with Reaper, which consisted of me crashing, getting touched way too much in one form or another as Reaper ties me down and enjoys every second of it. I'd live in total isolation, trapped with him and unable to leave. My pain is his pleasure, touching anything he can since I don't die by his touch. He doesn't even see me as myself, either as Geno or another blank silhouette to use.

The second shows Dream with me. No, he wouldn't abuse me like Reaper. Well, not unless he got pressured into it. It's obvious peer pressure is an issue for him. But I'd still be unhappy with him. He'd pull me out either for battles or to flaunt me publicly for the sake of putting up a good act and public image of a happy relationship. He sees me as someone he can save or "fix", bring the hero out of in spite of Nightmare. So outside of public interactions, we'd be distant and he'd be very demanding.

A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now