Chapter 61: Therapy

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Error's POV

"So let's start from the beginning of your tale. What was the first thing that fractured your relationship?"The therapist asks

"This all started because of you, Brother. It all fell apart when you took that apple. That sent my friends off to attack you, then you ate it and turned into THIS, destroying the tree and killing everyone! You didn't even care for the perfect life you broke in our beloved home! The happiness it brought us!"Dream says, crossing his arms

"Oh well I'm sorry that I wasn't open to getting bullied and beaten by your so-called friends again! All I wanted was to take an apple from the tree like you do and help people...Show that I'm just as good as you. Not my fault that I didn't know it would turn darker in my hands. And in case you couldn't tell, I wasn't in control of that painful transformation that cut the tree. Nor would I intend to do so. I was scared with all those assholes around and bit into it. If the roles were reversed, they would've killed me with this power just as carelessly as I did for them. They got what they deserved. In fact, you going to blame me instantly shows just how little you've considered me with how this unfolded! Still seeing that you're the golden, pure hero! Quit throwing stones from your glass house when you talk about caring for brothers!"Nighty snaps, angry already

"Hmm, could you explain more on your side?"The therapist asks

Nighty chuckles, shaking his head.

"Don't believe a word out of his mouth about a perfect life for us there. My current life is better than that hellhole. It was only good for one person, that being him. Golden boy at the center of praise and attention. The golden star of the show that gets whatever he wants and couldn't be happier, even when I am being beat backstage if you ge what I mean. I loved you and did my best to be good in everything I did, but it was never repaid kindly like it was to you. The folks you attracted only grew more and more cruel and dangerous. Part of me wished you would catch on but the other found it better and safer for your sake if you never did. But come on, Dream, I was excluded from eating the birthday cake that I made for us! What does it take for you to realize that they weren't as great as they seemed? That the cards were stacked against me and I was doomed to either suffer or become the villain to you? We were never equals!"He explains

Dream is silent.


"But nothing! I don't want to hear your excuses or defending them! Just look at our AUs name and you'll see that fate was not on my side! It has YOUR name on it! Not my name or both of ours, not something generalized to include both of us, YOURS! Dreamtale! It's like a show name with the protagonist's name in the title except mine wouldn't even be there unless it is in very tiny print saying also featuring Nightmare. I never mattered! At least there are other AUs like OuterTale or UnderSwap that are generalized yet you know both brothers are there with equal treatment! But not for our home sweet home! You get a heaven while I get hell! And don't you dare say I don't care for you. I had every chance to kill you like the rest of that scum but I didn't! I spared you and turned you to stone! I counted the days too, hoping that you'd think things over and that we could talk things through without bias or emotions running high but NOPE! First time I see you again you are shooting me down in the name of JUSTICE or GOOD or whatever! You didn't consider me as nicely as you think you did!"He snaps, his tentacles twitching more

"I was trying to save you from what you became. I-"

"There was nothing to save me from! Nothing you could do! And if you wanted to save me, you would've stopped with the questions and put things together! Instead of violence, you would've showed understanding. But you still don't. Even in therapy you can't take a moment to think of how it is from my side for once. Instead of a victim of that apple, see me as a person, your brother that suffered in the same world that treasured you. Instead of a freak, see me as someone free and working to maintain a balance in the multiverse. Instead of an evil, uncaring thing for you to defeat, see me as your brother that is just as deserving and capable of getting the life you desire or have. But you haven't done that. Evident by how you told me to my face that I don't deserve to be happy with my beloved Glitchy here. Your words only hurt me more when you say I didn't care or consider us. Because you were the only good for me in that shit and I did everything I could to keep you safe and happy, even if it meant keeping my abuse to myself. I loved you, Dream. I was happy with you, Dream. It was our home that I wasn't happy in. Don't I deserve to leave and find a happier life?"He continues, growing less angry and sad instead.

"Hmm, well it seems that you are suffering from the causes an inferiority complex. You just described a home environment that makes you feel lesser and not good enough in monumental amounts. That is the worst things that can influence an individual. I'm surprised that you don't have that complex. Now Dream, I understand your pain and how his actions may have hurt you as well but he has a point. See things from his side. The worst thing you can do is continue to invalidate him and his experiences. It will only cause him more pain and negativity, hurting his confidence and mental health. If you want a stable relationship, that is your first step. Stop the excuses and listen to him. The entire multiverse has your side memorized by now, no offense."The therapist advises

"I'm sorry Brother..."Dream says

"It's Nightmare to you."He growls coldly

"Good start!"The therapist says

I wipe Nighty's tears and he leans closer to kiss my cheek.

And that was only the start of the session.


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now