Chapter 20: Apple Surprises

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Weeks later, Error's POV

"*YAWN* MoRnInG, gUyS. HoW ArE yOu aLl fEeLiNg AfTeR tHe lAsT bAtTlE?"I ask

"Morning Error! Feeling better than before! You and your bro were great at healing us!"Killer cheers

"Ssssh!"Horror hushes

"Oh right, Horror's nurse is still asleep on him."Dust chuckles teasingly

I peek over the couch, seeing Farmer asleep on Horror in the middle of bandaging his arm. Farmer's head rests on Horror's chest, seeming peaceful despite the tight grip on Horror's wrist. Then I catch a whiff a horrible smell.

"DoEs aNyOne eLsE sMeLl tHaT?"I ask

"I have been smelling a stench but can't get up to check it."Horror says

I go to the kitchen where it is originating from, opening the drawer for fruits in the fridge. I pick an oddly green apple and sniff it, then turn my head in disgust.

"HoW lOnG hAvE tHeSe aPplEs BeEn?"I ask, collecting the apples

Strangely it was only the green apples that stunk, the rest smelling fresh.

"Only a week! I picked them from a basket when I visited Farm. Boss always uses them for his morning coffee...."Horror says

I dump the stinky apples in the trash.

"HaVe y0u seEn h1m?"I ask

"He left after brewing it."Killer says with a shrug

Crash! Shatter!

I turn around as I hear I scream of pain. I frown, going down the hall to his room. I push the door open, seeing a shattered mug spilling dark brown liquids and no sign of Nightmare. Then I notice something shining on the floor from the light of the window. A golden crown with a crescent at the center. I pick it up, examining it.

What the heck happened to him? This is beyond getting food poisoning from a bad batch of apples.

Perl curiously enters, sniffing the broken mug and lapping up a few drops before hissing. Then he starts shapeshifting, growing bigger as his fur falls off. In the blink of an eye, he is sitting there as some human-monster hybrid. His top half of his body is now human with hair contstantly changing on length and color on his head with pale white skin with hints of purple. His lower half is covered in fur with his tail 7x the original size or length and his legs bent like a cat, making him sit awkwardly to balance himself. He blinks a few times, then looks at me with a disgusted expression.

"Do not drink that."He says, then covers his mouth

What the fu-?

"GUyS dO nOt EaT tHe aPpLeS!"I shout as Perl examines his new body.

Perl shakily gets to his feet and digs into Nightmare's closet, taking out a jacket and sniffing it, then sniffing around.

"He got sent away somewhere but I can track the scent."He says

I open a few portals and he sniffs each one, then hops through one. I quickly follow through after him. He sniffs around and runs ahead. Then he pauses at a broken twig.

"He tripped here. He was running it seems. Oh look! A trail!"He says, pointing to a trail of goop.

We follow the trail until it stops. Then I hear a familiar voice.

"Error darling! It's been so long! I have a gift for you!"Reaper says, flying in front of me with an envelope.

I knock him aside with my strings.

"OuT oF tHe wAy, ReApEr. I aM tOo bUsY fOr yOuR cRaP."I say as Perl signals for another portal

"Wait, Error! You won't ever find Nightmare again! Don't waste your time! I-!"He says, grabbing my arm

"GeT yOuR hAnD oFf oF mE!"I snap, slapping his hand off of me

I tie my strings around him and his soul. My patience snapped as my worry and anger grew. My strings obeyed this anger, spreading and destroying the entire AU until it joined my anti-void.

"WhAt ThE hElL dO yOu mEaN bY tHaT? WhAt diD yOu dO tO NIGhTmArE?"I growl, tightening the strings around his soul

"He was getting too close to you and he was keeping us apart...So I poisoned an apple and left it in the basket Horror took home. It was only a matter of time before he had it. Yet, he hasn't died and it has only made him harder to find. Please, Error! You gotta understand that I did it for you and our love!"He says

"Me? Oh dOn'T gIvE mE tHat CrAP. YoU diD iT fOr yOuRsElF. ThErE iS nO Us, ReApEr. ThErE iS nO lOvE bEtwEeN uS, nO sPaRk, ziLtCH. JuSt yOuR oBsEsSiOn aNd pReDaToRy mAdNeSs aS yOu LoOk fOr sOmEonE tO TorMeNt. ClEaR aS dAy. NoW, I dOn'T EvEr wAnt tO sEe yOu AgAin oR iT w1Ll bE tOo sOoN aNd I wiLl rIp YoU tO piEcEs."I growl, tossing him through another portal

Then I make some portals and Perl leads me through another. We go through numerous AUs in search of Nightmare, each time making my mind race and patience slip away. Many AUs that we left paid the price, getting destroyed within seconds. Then he alerts me that we're getting closer and my soul fills with hope. Then I hear someone coughing and choking. I grip the crown tighter.

"He should be just up ahead!"Perl says, speeding up

I follow behind him, seeing a small skeleton up ahead sitting on a log. Perl sniffs the stranger.

"Hmm, that's odd. My nose says that it's him but my vision doesn't match up."He says

I glance at the skeleton. He is small of course, his pearly whit bones trembling and dressed in all dark purples or black with white and yellow being the only bright colors.

"Maybe my scent got thrown off or weakened by the transformation. I'm sorry."Perl says

I pat his head.

"No, yOu'Re nOt The OnE thAt hAs tO bE sOrRy. MaYbE hE iS o-OkaY. I wiLl cAlL hIm..."I say, taking out my phone

I call Nightmare and listen to it ring.

I hear another ring coming from this stranger's pocket. Then as my phone repeats Nightmare's voicemail message, it plays from the pocket. This twerp has his phone?

What. The. FUCK?!


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now