Chapter 30: Snitches and a Stitched Prison

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Hours later, Error's later

"GuYs i Am bAcK!"I say, shutting the portal behind me

I hear Perl squeak, running into my room with a smile.

"HeY PeRl. Go0d t0 se3 y0u hApPy. I woUldN't gEt t0o closE thOuGh. InK bUrSt iN aNd h1t mE wiTh s0mE sHit. i dOn't wAnt iT t0 huRt y0u. In fAcT, i wiLl g0 riNsE iT oFf."I say, heading to the bathroom

He blocks my path, holding two notes and a puppet of Nightmare in his mouth. The notes say DOOR OPEN.

"NigHtmArE's d0oR iS oPeN? Oh! i wilL gO s3e h1m aFtEr!"I say

He steps aside, purring more.

I shut the bathroom door, taking my clothes off as my strings adjust the shower knobs. Last to come off are my glasses and I find my sight fading to darkness again. I carefully step into the shower, pulling the curtain shut. I feel relieved as I feel it washes off, then I feel it sting from head to toe. I reach out, trying to exit the shower but feel a greater sting knock me out.

In the blink of an eye, I could see everything again. Now that's strange. I can see that I'm not in the bathroom though and couldn't feel my body enough to move or speak. The only thing I see is a smooth ceiling.

What the hell? Where-


"Error!"Horror shouts


"Guys! Come quick! Error collapsed in the shower! He isn't moving! The paint is burning him!"Horror shouts

I hear a lot of running and floors creaking, then see tentacles stab the ceiling.

"I'm going to kill Ink...."A voice that I haven't heard in a while growl


Where am I...?

I don't know how long I was stuck staring at this ceiling, unable to do anything. Then another door slams and tentacles come into sight.

"Okay...Everything is okay....We got him...They're checking things and going to get answers...Ink attacked him...They know more than me...He is okay...He crashed....He is going to be okay...Okay.."I hear Nightmare keep mumbling quietly


I feel my soul get summoned and then the soft touch of a tentacle around it, yet couldn't do anything to react to it.

"So cracked...Right, comfort...First get him comfortable. I'll make him the most comfortable glitch ever..."He mutters

What? I thought I did something wrong...Why would he-?

"I can't lose him..."He mutters


After a few minutes, a tentacle wraps around me, lifting me up. Now I see for certain that I'm in Nightmare's room, getting lifted off of his desk. I see my body laying on his bed, layer upon layer of clothes on me. Both my pink fluffy scarf and the scarf I gave Nightmare are around my neck. I have a shirt and shorts on with a soft purple robe placed over it. And then there's my soul, cracked and in open view. Nightmare tucks my body under the blankets, surrounding my head with soft pillows.

Wait, how am I being held by him and seeing this?

He softly pets my cheek, planting a kiss on my forehead. My face burns as I question if I really just saw that. He smiles.

"Good to see that you're still responsive...Maybe that means that you can hear me."He says as I get placed in his hands

He glances away from my body to me now or whatever I am stuck in to witness this. He smiles.

A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now