Chapter 57: Visiting the Past

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Error's POV

I get up, glancing around at the villages that block me from the distant tree. I shake my head, deciding that it would be good to explore around. Maybe I'll learn something important here. So, I start wandering through the streets. I see a crowd forming up ahead and the voices become clearer to me.

"I really should be getting back to my brother, guys! This has been nice but-"I hear Dream say

"Aww come on! Don't poop on our fun! Just a little longer!"Voices insist

"If you leave now we will get sad and miss you soooo much!"More voices say

"Well...Okay then. I'm sure he won't mind."Dream says

Huh...This is different than what I've learned...

After the incident of Nighty's passive form getting revealed, he explained everything to me about his past. How he turned out the way he did. The villagers, those jerks that beat and broke him down without end....He felt so betrayed by the fact that Dream would still hang out with them, then defend them once he turned by fighting him that first time. I thought that Dream was cruel to him based on what he said and given his behavior towards me, there was some pattern to back that up. But now I see that he isn't cruel, just clueless and easy to peer pressure. A people pleaser even as he seems happy being popular in this crowd.

They're both not to blame for what unfolded here...

I glare at the villagers, knowing their true intentions. They are the ones that set this all off in addition to Fate who was cruel enough to plan this out and pin brother against brother. Then I recall what they're doing and exactly why they are clinging to Dream so much. It's so that they don't get caught with their true colors on display towards Nightmare.

No! Screw the past! I won't let him get hurt if I am around! He won't be alone with those dark thoughts and worst of times!

I frown, running through the town towards the hill that the tree sits on. I see some abominations that call themselves civil monsters beating Nightmare into the ground, ripping his books and kicking him when he is down.

"GeT aWaY fRoM h1m!"I snap, tying them up to branches with my strings

I kneel down, ignoring their yelps and cries from above as I focus on Nightmare. He is bruised and in tears, shielding his head defensively. I see his crown laying nearby and placing it on his head.

"I w0n't hUrt y0u, i pr0miSe."I tell him

He lowers his hands to look at me, his purple eyes shining. He stares at me silently, his cheeks turning purple.

Oh come on Nightmare...Even now?

"You....protected me."He says, sounding speechless

"Mhmm, tHaT i d1d. N0w, h0w cAn i hElP y0u? Y0u s3em beAtEn pReTty bAd."I ask

"Y-You don't have to...Wouldn't you rather hang out with Dream? He is in the village now..."He says, bowing his head

"BuT i d0n't wAnT t0 hElP dReAm. I wAnT t0 heLp y0u."I tell him

He looks at me in shock, then the bullies start spewing hate and insulting him, calling him an idiot to believe me. I tie their mouths shut with a snap of my fingers.

"HeRe, lEt's lEaN aGaiNsT tHe tReE. i w1lL fiX y0ur boOk."I say

He limps over to the tree and I follow, sitting beside him as I fix his book. I hear a gasp and glance up, seeing Dream finally show up by the time I finished.

"What in the name of hamsters happened here?"He asks, crossing his arms and puffing out his cheeks to pout.

They really are kids...Especially him.

A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now