Chapter 38: Fools and Love

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Nightmare's POV

These fools just won't stop even when they lost. Hmm, and there's no way out of here. Wait...They still have their blindfolds stuck on them! Perfect!

I signal for Glitchy to be quiet and he nods. Then I get an idea, seeing his crafting tools laying beside him. We could just hide and wait for them to wander their way out. But that means surrounding ourselves from contact. I pick up the tools and quickly start crafting, watching the three feel across the walls.

"Error darling? Where are you? I was promised fun with you!~"Reaper coos with a disgusting grin.

I start working quicker.

"Error! We really need to talk!"Dream says

"My offer still stands for you to consider, Destroyer.~"Shattered says

Uuggh, these three.

My work grows bigger and after a few moments I sew shut the top of the head, quickly putting eyes on. Error sees what I did and smiles, tugging at the puppets' arms so they interlock, shielding us from all angles. Especially since he made the puppet of me with my tentacles, also wrapping around to the one I made of him. And just in time since afterwards Reaper wandered over and would've touched Error if it weren't for the puppet's arms in the way.

"Are we sure this is where we're supposed to go? It could've just been their voices echoing."Dream says

"Yeah and I only feel walls and junk. Maybe we took a wrong turn."Reaper says

"Let's go."Shattered says

I watch them leave. The doors swing shut behind them. We both sigh with relief. I see chains form around his ankles and frown, recalling the last time he was chained like this. Annoying how Dream's memory got wiped for the sake of "his golden duty" or whatever. Does Error live with it instead? I place my hand on his cheek and start checking his mind....only to find that any memories of what Dream did are gone. Well, not completely. He remembers what Ink did but Dream's role has been erased from each one.

"NiGhTy? aRe yOu oKaY?"He asks

I gaze into his eyes and feel my anger slip away. I smile, pulling him closer to me, hugging him. His glitching doesn't even react. I hear a soft purr rumble in his chest.

"You're such a cat, Glitchy."I chuckle

"SHUT UP!"He says, his face burning

He glances at my sleeves and frowns, seeing the soaked spots from when I was crying.

"I dOn'T EveR wAnT tO sEe y0u cRy liKe tHaT aGaIn. i Am HeRe fOr yOu nIgHty."He says

"Okay...."I say, then remember something and grin.

"WhAt'S wItH tHaT lOoK?"He asks

"I still have something to repay tenfold, so I will get to work on that.~"I say, showering his face with kisses

"WhA-? NiGhTmArE!"He exclaims, his face burning brighter than any other star

"This is for all the time I neglected you.~"I say, kissing all over his skull

Then I summon his soul, giving it a kiss and listening to his glitchy squeal.

"So sensitive.~"I say with a grin, doing it again

"NiGhTy! ThErE'S nOtHiNg tO rEpAy!"He says

"I disagree. I caused a crack on your precious soul and I won't let that slide."I tell him

"It's aLrEaDy rEpAiD iF yOu tHiNk AbOuT iT! YoU wErE aFfEcTiOnaTe tO mE fOr wEeKs aFtEr yOuR siLeNcE!"He says

I think on it and smirk. I was quite affectionate to him, unaware that he was in that puppet. I smile wider, kissing him on the cheek.

"You forgot the tenfold part, dear.~"I say


"Oh come on! Just let us be!"I snap

I see water start pouring into the room, filling quickly from the floor up. Error's chains lock tighter around his wrists and ankles, encasing his hands completely. I tear the chains from the ground as hard as I could, eventually breaking the connection. The water rises quickly, getting a strange orange glow in it for a moment. The quick rush of the water pushes me away, going through a new opening rapidly. I feel my body get knocked into walls roughly and no matter how much I tried to swim back to get Error, I keep getting pushed back. Curse these cuffs! If I could turn to my other form I'd swim just fine to him! Then I get hit in the face by the giant puppet I made of him, this being the only thing I could hold onto. I shut my eyes and hug it close tightly. Then I feel the need to hold my breath and do so without thinking.

After a while I feel my head make it above water and take a deep breath. I cough out any water and see that the puppet is floating above water, serving as a small raft or driftwood in an open ocean. I glance around quickly for Error, seeing nothing of him. Not even the giant puppet he made that would be impossible to miss. I frown, seeing a few pieces of junk drifting around. I spot a metal rod and grab it, prying the cuffs off of my wrists. I sigh with relief, watching the cuffs sink down. Then I frown, wondering if Error's chains pulled him down like how those cuffs sank so quickly. Before I could do much with these thoughts, I see a ship sailing closer, then an anchor drops.

"Captain! Check out this sight!"A voice says

"A little lad lost on his doll!"Another chuckles

I glance up, seeing some random monsters peeking over the side and snickering at me.

So we got sent to another AU? Some odd challenge...

"Oh tHe poOr lAd! ThAt'S haRdLy sUiTaBlE tO lAsT On! He MusT bE lOsT! BrOtHeR! CoMe dOwN fRoM tHe mAsT aNd sEe!"A familiar voice says

"I'lL dO mOrE tHaN sEe."Another says

I see a rope swing down and a silhouette quickly slide down it. My eyes slowly take in and recognize this stranger as someone very familiar.

Dear Asgoro...


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now