Chapter 73: Operation Goopglitch

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Weeks later Error's POV

"UuUgGh! WhY dOeS iNk kEeP sCrEwInG wItH tHe bAlAnCe? AnD hOw dOeS hE gEt tHe mUlTivErSe tO tRiPlE iN sIzE iN tWo dAyS? I aM gOiNg tO kiLl thAt FreAk!"I snap, then recall a previous trick

Why am I wasting time and complaining? I can handle this in seconds. I set up a string hammock and open multiple portals, sending my strings into each one and tying them to one finger, then open another set of portals. I repeat this process until each of my finger has knots of strings connected to numerous AUs. I clench my fist and yank my hand, tearing dozens of AUs apart in seconds. I sprinkle in a few blasters for good measure.

I grin, watching this simple plan work out perfectly. I lean back in my hammock, sighing with relief. Muuuch better.

"Error! What in the name of AUs do you think you're doing? You're destroying AUs!"Ink snaps, leaping up to grab the edge of the hammock

"HmMmm, iT sEeMs liKe yOu fOrgOt aGaIn. HeLlO, i aM ERrOr tHe dEsTrOyEr. I dEsTrOy fOr a liViNg. NiCe tO mEeT yOu aNd gEt oUt oF mY fAcE."I say, blasting him away

"But you're ruining my fun!"He yells

"AnD tHaT'S mY pRobLeM hOw Or wHy?"I ask with a chuckle

"Don't test me, Error or I will-"He begins

"Oh give it up, Ink. You've had enough fun for one week. Let me take you to my place for some tea."Dream says, taking Ink by the hand

"Huh? Dream what are you doing here?"Ink asks as he pats the artist on the back

I see Dream write on Ink's scarf, glancing to me with a wink.

"Have you forgotten? We agreed to hang out today and you're late again! You even put a reminder, see?"He says, showing the part of the scarf that he wrote on

"Oh! I am so sorry, Dream! Let's go, I will make it up to you! Error, we will finish this another day!"Ink says

I chuckle, watching them disappear.

Thanks Dream, you just got rid of a headache.

Dream really has grown into a better person these days. Looks out for others more than what makes him happy, yet also takes breaks for his own sake. He is more understanding and accepting of reality. Plus he seems to have moved onto falling for Cross, who is at the moment oblivious as heck to it and thinks that he is being friendly. Still, he is doing much better, especially now that he is going to therapy. Nighty won't admit it but I think Dream is even earning his respect since when I told him that about the incident with Shattered, he smiled and said:"That's Dream." instead of something negative. I think he is growing on Nighty gradually.

"BrOtHeR? I nEeD yOuR hElP, cAn yOu cOm3 hErE?"Paps asks

Speaking of brothers...

"SuRe tHiNg!"I say, following him through a portal.

He leads me to Cross, Horror, and Killer huddled and whispering.

"I gOt hIm!"He says

They each glance over and frown when seeing me.

"Paps! This isn't what we meant! We wanted you to distract him!"Cross whines

"Ugh, but we will adapt. Let's set the operation into motion."Killer says

"Yay! Operation Goopglitch!"Horror cheers, clapping

"WhaT?"I ask

"I'll go catch Boss!"Horror says, running off

Killer grins, handing me a fluffy bathrobe.

"You'll need this."He says

"ThEy wAnTeD tO gIvE yOu bOtH a BrEaK, bRoThEr!"Paps says

I take it from him and then get shoved through a portal, landing in a chair. I see Horror shove Nighty through another portal. He glances over to me and smiles, pulling me closer. A bell rings and a lady comes out.

"Your room is ready."She says, gesturing for us to follow.

We follow and she points out two changing rooms and shelves full of towels with a hot, steaming bubble tub in the middle.

"You are reserved for the next two hours so relax and enjoy yourselves. Call if you need anything."She says, shutting the door behind us.

He glances at me, looking so confused.

"OpeRaTiOn gOoPglItCH iS iN moTi0n aPpaReNtLy."I say, then head to a changing room

I get underessed, hanging the robe on a hook. I step out and check the water. Then I get an idea, wondering what my magic really looks like. I summon it and gaze down, seeing it cover my body. I notice the yellow and red freckles on my arms and legs that seem to twinkle on the blue form. I hear a whistle, glancing over to see Nighty climbing in but pausing. He sits there, staring with his jaw hanging open. His eye turns into a heart. One of his tentacles raises up and BONKS him on the head, making me chuckle. He quickly snaps out of it and clears his throat.

"You look beautiful, Glitchy."He says, his face a blushing mess

I smile, climbing in and relaxing in the water. He climbs in and I scoot over beside him, leaning against him.

"So, what's Operation Goopglitch?"He asks

I shrug.

"PlAn tHaT cRoSs, HoRrOr, aNd kiLlEr mAdE fOr uS."I say, feeling his tentacles curl around me as always.

He smiles at that, resting his head on my shoulder. A paper appears beside the tub and I glance at it, seeing that it was a note from Killer. "1.Spa 2.Private Movie 3.Walk Along Beach 4.Home with Dinner Ready! We got this, just have fun!-MTT+Cross"

I chuckle, shaking my head. They're something else.

Soon enough we're enjoying the day together, taking our time with each activity. It is truly just a date set up for us. We even got a smoothie to share together while walking along the beach. We are having such a good time that when a little boy ran up and offered Nighty some golden bracelets for 1G, he accepted without another thought as he was too preoccupied by our conversation. Soon the boy is gone and he is wearing the bracelets.

"SHoUlD wE h3aD bAcK?"I ask

"Nah. I'm liking this time with you. Besides, what are they going to do? Burn down the kitchen?"He asks

I get a ding from my phone. I see that it's Paps.

"KiLlEr iS sEtTiNg tHe kiTcHeN oN fIrE."I say

He facepalms with a groan.

"YoU rEalLy tEsTeD tH3 id3a oF lEaVinG tH3 cHa0s cHilD iN tH3 kiTcHeN?"I ask

"Tried to believe in him."He sighs

I open a portal and we go through to help them before the castle gets set on fire. Though I can't help but chuckle.

Today has been wild, yet so much fun...


A Blind Deal of Destruction-Blind!Error x Nightmare(Errormare)Where stories live. Discover now