Hermione's sister

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It's been about two weeks since the beginning of the schoolyear and everything was going quite alright. I was starting to become really good friends with Mattheo, despite Pansy warning me against it. And I was walking through the corridors talking with Mattheo, when someone walked our way. 'Heyy.... uhh... ...Hermione's sister?' The person walking up to us said. 'Seriously Dean? We've been in the same classes for the past four years. We have worked together on projects and you don't even know my name?' I have known Dean Thomas, a Gryffindor in the same year as me, for four years now and he doesn't know my name. He just knows me as Hermione's sister. I hate this. 'I'm sorry... uhhh... Y/N? Right?' 'Yes.' 'Can I ask you something?' 'Sure, what can I help you with?' I said with the most sarcasm I could muster up. Apparently, he didn't pick up on any sarcasm, because he just went ahead with his question without any hesitation. 'Can I borrow your notes from Defense Against the Dark Arts?' He must be coming to me, seeing as my sister isn't in the same class as us for DADA, so he had to come to me. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't remember my name and now I can't remember where I placed my notes. Whoops. 'Sorry, I already gave them to someone else and I don't know when I'll get them back. So, I think you could better ask someone else.' And with that I walked away. Mattheo was quick to follow and asked me if I was okay. 'I'm great.' I said through gritted teeth. 'That guy's an asshole.' Mattheo responded. 'I know. But, sadly he's not the only one like this.' 'Do they all treat you like this to your face?' 'A couple do. I know you've seen people talk over me when I'm with my sister, but some just use me to get to my sister. Especially when I'm walking alone through the corridors. Once I'm with Theo, Pansy, Draco or Blaise, many of them don't try it anymore, since there may have been some "accidents" when they've tried in the past.' 'That's some fucked up shit.' 'I know.' While talking about how shitty Dean and some others have treated me in the past, we bumped into someone else.

'Hey Y/N.' 'Hi Cedric.' Cedric Diggory, one of the cutest guys in school and also the guy I used to have a massive crush on. 'How are you doing?' 'I'm doing good. How are you, Cedric?' 'I'm good. I was just wondering something.' 'What's up?' 'I was wondering if you wanted to...' Oh my gosh this isn't happening right? He is going to ask me something. ME. He is asking ME something. 'Yes?' I said in anticipation to his question. 'If you wanted to ask Hermione if she would like to go on a date with me?' My smile dropped from my face and was replaced by a sad frown. Ofcourse, he was just talking to me, to ask about my sister. Why would he ever ask something about me? 'Uhhh... I don't know Cedric. I think it's best if you ask her yourself. I'm sorry. I... I have to go...' I quickly walked away leaving Cedric and Mattheo behind. I heard Mattheo say something to Cedric, before hearing his footsteps follow me. I wiped away the tear that had escaped my eye, not wanting to show Mattheo that I was hurting. 'You know, he doesn't deserve someone like you liking him.' 'What are you talking about?' I turned around to face Mattheo. 'I saw how you looked at him. Your smile and the slight blush on your cheeks. You like him.' 'I don't.' 'Yeah, you do. And he's too stupid and blind to realise that a wonderful girl like you likes him and that she's way better than her sister.' 'But, I'm not though. Ask anyone in school. No one will be able to tell you my name. The only thing they can tell you is, that I'm Hermione's sister. I'm a nobody here and my sister is everything to everybody.' 'She's not to me. And not to Theo or Pansy or Draco or Blaise. You'll never be second to Hermione with us.' I stayed quiet. I knew he was right, but what if he wasn't. I know they're Slytherins and Slytherins have always had a rocky relationship with Gryffindors, but what if they weren't Slytherins? What if my friends were Gryffindors or Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs? Would they still like me better than my sister? 'You know you'll never come second to anyone with us, right? No matter what.' Mattheo added when I didn't say anything. I looked at the ground with tears in my eyes. 'I know.' I said. My voice just above a whisper. I told him that I knew, but deep inside, I don't know if I truly believe him. 'Good. Now let's get you back to the commonroom. We have a party to get ready for.' 

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