I forgive you

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During the week following the party, Mattheo and I went on multiple dates. We had a picnic on the field, went stargazing at the Astronomy Tower and we watched the sunset at the lake. It all felt like it did before I found everything out. Like we were back to being us and if felt amazing. Mattheo has been completely honest about his father, including telling me about the deadline at the end of next month. It's scary to know that there's a deadline at all, but to know that it's already next month, that's terrifying. The only thing that's keeping me feeling safe, is Mattheo. He has promised me everything will be okay and that he will figure something out, so I will stay safe no matter what and I trust him. I know, I said at the party, that I couldn't forgive him just yet, but with everything he has done the past week and the way he has been entrusting me with all the information about his father and the task, I just can't help to just want to forgive and forget everything. I'm sick of having this all being held above our heads. And the same goes for Theo. I told him I couldn't trust him anymore, but I know deep in my heart, that's not true. Theo has always been there for me. He welcomed me with open arms, when Pansy took me to her friendgroup during our first year, he was there when Pansy couldn't be, he always makes me laugh with some random joke and eventhough he kept Mattheo's task a secret, he made Mattheo promise to keep me safe no matter what. This all just needs to end. 

So, I went over to the Slytherin commonroom to talk to Theo and Mattheo. Luckily, they were both there hanging out with Draco and Blaise. I walked up to them and Mattheo greeted me first. 'Hey, my love.' After everything that has happened, being called 'my love' by Mattheo, just makes me the happiest. 'Hi.' I responded with a slight blush on my cheeks. 'Hey, Y/N.' The rest added. 'Hey, guys. Mattheo and Theo, can I maybe talk you both for a second?' 'Yes, ofcourse.' They both responded. They stood up from the couch and we walked over to a quiet spot on the other side of the commonroom. 'What's wrong, love?' Mattheo asked me once it was just us three. 'Nothing is wrong. I just... okay, how do I start... I wanted to talk to you guys about what I said at the party... When I told you...' I was talking specifically to Theo right now. 'That I forgave you, but I couldn't trust you just yet. And you...' I focused my attention on Mattheo now. 'That I couldn't forgive you just yet, but I was willing to try.' 'What about it, Y/N?' Theo asked me. 'I was wrong.' 'What do you mean, love?' Mattheo said with a confused look on his face. 'I mean that I know I can trust you, Theo. I always have and I know I always will. Just because you kept Mattheo's secret, doesn't mean I can't trust you anymore. Because, I heard you say that day that you made Mattheo promise to keep me safe. Despite you not wanting to have anything to do with it and knowing it was a bad idea, you still made sure I would be safe. And I'm done saying I can't trust you, because that's just pure bullshit. You're one of my best friends and I just want to go back to how we were.' 'Are you sure?' Theo asked me in disbelieve. 'Yes, one hundred percent.' Theo stepped forward and gave me the biggest hug he has ever given me. 'Thank you so much, Y/N.' 'Any time Theo. I missed this.' 'Me too.' Theo let me go again and stepped back. 'Now, Mattheo. About you. I'm tired of keeping you in the doghouse. You're one of my favourite people in the entire world and I don't want to think of spending another day with doubts about forgiving and forgetting everything. We've had an amazing week and everything feels like before again and I couldn't be happier. So, I want to just forgive and forget everything. I don't want to think about the hurt, I just want to think about all the fun time we had and to have even more in the future. So, can we please forget everything and just enjoy the time we have?' 'Ofcourse, Y/N.' Now Mattheo was the one that stepped forward. Only he didn't give me a hug, he kissed me. We got taken away in the kiss, so after a couple seconds Theo slapped Mattheo on the shoulder. 'Okay, I'm going to leave you guys to it. See ya.' Theo said while laughing, before walking away. 

After a couple minutes, Mattheo and I pulled away from eachother. 'Mattheo, can I talk to you for a bit more in your room?' I could see the glistening in Mattheo's eyes and I could almost hear his thoughts. I started laughing. 'I know what your thinking and it's not a play to get you alone in your bedroom. I really do need to talk to you.' The glistening in Mattheo's eyes died down and he responded serious, once he saw that I was serious about needing to talk to him. 'Ofcourse, let's go.' Mattheo grabbed my hand and together we walked over to his room. We walked inside and Mattheo closed the door behind him. I sat down on his bed and he sat down next to me. 'What's wrong, Y/N?' 'I have been thinking about your father, Mattheo.' 'What about him?' Mattheo looked at me confused. 'He has giving us a deadline. If I'm not on his side by the end of next month you need to kill me.' 'Well neither of those things are going to happen, love.' Mattheo cut me off. 'I know, babe. But, what if he doesn't give us another choice? What if it does come to the fact that you either have to kill me or I have to join his side? I can't betray my sister like that or my parents. Your father is no fan of muggles and my parents are both muggles. I can't risk putting them at risk of being hurt by your father.' 'And you won't. I will do anything to protect you and your family. Anything. Even if it means hurting my own father.' 'But, Mattheo, he's your father.' I couldn't ask that of him. I don't want him to hurt his father, because of my family and me. 'Yes, but you mean so much more to me, than my father ever did or ever will. And it's not like he has never hurt me. I know you've seen my nightmares, so you've seen what he has done in the past.' I looked at him with hurt in my eyes. I was almost a hunderd percent sure, that his nightmares were memories, but to hear Mattheo confirm it... A tear slipped out of my eye at the thought of how much pain Mattheo would've have endured while growing up at home and during the holidays. Mattheo saw the tear leaving my eye and wiped it away with his tumb. 'Don't waste your tears on my pain, love. I don't want you to be upset about that.' 'But, he hurt you Mattheo. He used the Cruciatus Curse on you in your nightmare. How could he do that?' 'He's not really a nice person. Just ask anybody. But, I've learned to live with it and that's okay. And if it comes to chosing between you and him. I will choose you.' I didn't know what to say anymore so I just stared at the ground. 'No matter what.' Mattheo added before pulling me into a hug. 

'Now, was there something else on that beautiful mind of yours?' Mattheo asked after being in the hug for a couple minutes. I wanted to lighten the mood again, so I responded with: 'I can think of a few things.' I had a smirk on my face and Mattheo's face mirrored it with his own. Mattheo leaned in and we started making out with eachother. Things got heated and before we knew it our clothes were on the ground. Mattheo and I hadn't slept with eachother in quite a long while, but it felt just like yesterday. Both of us knew exactly what the other needed and when. It was an amazing release of stress for both of us and it wore us out like no other time. 

Once both of our needs were satisfied, we layed against eachother to cuddle. 'You know you lied, right?' Mattheo said out of nowhere. I turned my head towards him and looked at him confused. 'Well, you said it wasn't a play to get me alone in my bedroom, but you were the one who seduced me, so...' Mattheo explained. I slapped him against his chest. 'I only said I could think of a few things, you were the one who kissed me. So, I guess you're to blame here.' I responded. 'Well, I'll take the full blame then.' Mattheo leaned down and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. 

Mattheo and I layed in bed cuddled up for another hour just talking, when out of nowhere the door opened. 'Yo Mattheo, we're heading down to the Great Hall for dinner. Are you coming?' Draco had barged into the room and quickly turned around once he noticed I was in here as well. I pulled the duvet higher over my body until you almost couldn't even see my face anymore. 'I'm so sorry, Y/N! Oh my god! I didn't see anything, I swear! I'm so sorry! THEO!! YOU ASSHOLE! YOU COULDN'T TELL ME Y/N WAS IN HERE?! Okay, I'm going to just leave, sorry guys.' Draco quickly left the room again and in the distance I could hear Theo and Blaise laughing their asses off. What an ass. I tried to melt into the mattress out of embarrassment. 'I know, I said Theo is one of my best friends, but right now I hate his guts.' I said while laughing. 'Me too, love. Me too.' Mattheo responded while also laughing. After our laughs quieted down, I sat up in the bed. 'Where are you going?' Mattheo asked me. 'Eventhough I hate Theo right now, I am quite hungry after a little adventure. So, I was hoping we could go to dinner with them.' I responded. 'Ofcourse we can. I'll go get dressed as well.' We both moved out of the bed and got dressed again. Once we were ready, we walked out into the commonroom to see that Theo, Draco and Blaise had already left. They propably thought we weren't coming anymore. Mattheo and I followed the others and also went to the Great Hall. 

We walked inside and sat down next to Pansy and opposite Draco, Theo and Blaise.  'I'm so so so sorry Y/N and Mattheo.' Draco apologized once again. Theo and Blaise started laughing their asses off once more, while I explained to Draco that we were not mad at him. 'Theo?' I asked. 'Yes?' Theo responded in between his laughs. 'You know how I told you that I knew I could trust you again and that I was done being mad?' 'Yes?' His laughing started to slowly come to a halt. 'Well I take it all back. I have decided to hate you for the rest of my life.' 'Me too.' Mattheo added. 'Well, at least it was worth it.' Theo started laughing again. 'Good for you, Theo. Next time it's going to be you who will be embarrassed.' 'Good luck, Y/N.' I scoffed and turned my head towards Mattheo. 'We'll get him back, love.' Mattheo said when he saw that I wasn't winning from Theo. 'I know we will. We just have to find out how.' 

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