Care for a dance? - Mattheo's POV

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It's the second day at Hogwarts and working on my task for my father. I was sitting at breakfast when Theo started to talk to me about that evening. 'Are you ready for the ball tonight?' 'What are you talking about, Theo?' 'Every year we have a ball on the second night of the year to welcome everyone back.' I completely forgot. With everything I read about Hogwarts, the classes and Y/N, I completely forgot there was a ball the second night of the schoolyear. That does explain why I needed to bring dress robes according to the packing list. 'Who all is going?' I asked Theo. 'Well, I'm going. Pansy, Y/N, Draco, Blaise? You are all going too, right?' Everyone sitting around us at the breakfast table looked at us to answer. 'Yes, we're all going.' Y/N answered. Good, if she's going, then I'm going too. And as if Theo read my mind he said to me: 'So, you're going too.' I gave him a nod, before taking a bite of my food. After I agreed I would also go to the ball, everyone resumed with their own conversations and finished their breakfast.

Since we didn't have any classes until tomorrow, we had a free day. So, everyone went their own way after breakfast. Some when to Hogsmeade, a nearby village, and others just stayed in the Slytherin commonroom. 'What are you upto today?' Theo asked me once the rest had left. 'I think, I'm going to explore the castle. See where everything is and how the staircases work.' I wasn't completely lying, I was going to explore the castle, but not to see how the staircases work. I already read up on that and I don't think it will be that hard to figure out. I was going to find some of the secret ways through the castle. 'What about you, Theo?' I asked. 'Nothing much. I'll maybe take a joyride on my broom.' 'Okay, have fun. I'll see you later then.' I said before leaving Theo behind and looking for the first secret passageway.
First up, a short-cut between the Armoury and Charms corridor. It should be somewhere behind one of the tapestries and it should be somewhere around here. I was walking through the Armoury, when I found a tapestry that could be the one hiding the short-cut. I moved the tapestry carefully to the side and... yes. I was right. There's the passage way. It should take me to the Charms corridor, so let's see. I stepped behind the tapestry and in a short while I found myself indeed in the Charms corridor. First one, found and done.
Off to the second one, a hidden staircase leading from the fourth floor corridor to the Fat Lady's corridor. Since I was still in the Charms corridor, I made my way up to the fourth floor corridor and went looking for the bookcase, that was supposedly hiding the staircase. There were multiple bookcases, but after trying to move three bookcases, I was finally lucky with the fourth one. I pushed it to the side and was indeed met with a staircase. I stepped onto the staircase, moved the bookcase back and made my way to the Fat Lady's corridor. I don't know when I'll ever need these secret passageways, but it's nice to know that they're there and where they are. 

I tried a couple more passageways, before making my way back to my dormroom. It was getting quite late and I still needed to get ready for the ball. Once I got to my dormroom, I took a quick and hot shower and I then got dressed in my dress robes. I just finished, when I heard a knock on my door. 'Come in.' I said while putting on my shoes. 'Hey, you're actually dressed for the ball.' Theo said once he saw me in my robes. 'Yeah, what did you think?' 'I thought you might skip out on the ball.' 'No way, I'm here at Hogwarts for a year. Might enjoy it a bit don't you think.' 'Sure.' Theo said while showing doubt about my motivation for going to the ball. Ofcourse I wasn't going to have fun, I was only going for Y/N. We both knew that, eventhough neither of us said it out loud. I'm here just for my task. The sooner the task is over, the sooner I can leave this school again. It stayed quiet for a second, while I finished tying my shoes. Once I was completely finished, I stood up, grabbed my wand, put it in my robe and looked over at Theo. 'I'd say, let's go.' 'Yes, let's go... and Mattheo?' 'Yes?' 'Don't forget to really also have some fun while you're here. It shouldn't have to be all about your task. You deserve some fun without your father on your back.' He was right, but it felt weird. I never really got to have fun at home. There was always something I needed to do for my father and he was always there to check on me and what I needed to do. Right now, he would ofcourse still be on my back about Y/N, but he wasn't physically there to control my every move. I could indeed have some fun, while I'm here... 

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