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Elora waited in the welcoming hall, her husband and son beside her. Her daughters stood in front of her, each gripping a hand of hers.

The Selected girls stood behind her in a row, whispering amongst themselves.


Elora resisted the urge to free her hands from her daughter's tight clutch and play the air violin.

It had been years since she had seen her sister face to face - virtual correspondence took much of their originality away.

The herald walked into the room, and announced, "King Vincenzo, and Queen Elena, beloved of the people of Italy!".

Elora kept her face stony as her sister and her brother-in-law entered through the tall doors.

"Queen Elena," she said, inclining her head slightly.

"Queen Elora," her sister said, mirroring her gesture.

Elora could nearly hear the breath all the Selected had all not yet let out, shocked to see two completely identical women. They were all watching with bated breath as to what happened.

Simultaneously, she and her sister burst into laughter.

"Oh I missed you," Elena said, embracing her.

"And I you," Elora said, a stray tear falling out of her eye.

They detached themselves, and Elena stared at Eric deeply before saying, "Oh Ed. It's been a long time, hasn't it?".

Edward boomed with laughter, while Eric remained confused.

"Will you ever stop with your jokes?"  Edward asked, smiling at her.

"Never!" Elena exclaimed, rushing to hug Edward.

"I still can't understand how you tolerate her, Vincenzo," Elora said, looking at her sister fondly.

"Oh I don't," the King of Italy said matter-of-factly.

"Shush! Don't give out our family secrets!" Elena said, swatting her husband's hand playfully once she had detangled herself from Edward.

She suddenly knelt down, her pink gown pooling around her.

She broke into a wide smile and embraced Elodie. 

"Well isn't this my favorite blonde niece!" she exclaimed.

Elodie giggled adorably. "I'm your only blonde niece!".

Elena winked at her and turned to face the Elodie's twin.

She gasped loudly. "Is this Elanor? The most beautiful raven headed princess of the kingdom?".

"I'm the only raven headed princess of the kingdom," Elanor said, giggling too.

Elora smiled at the adorable sound.

"Well, I didn't know that!" Elena said, talking like a little child, not like that of a Queen.

"You're silly," Elanor said.

"Just like Aurora," Elodie added.

"Aurora? Is that the girl who's captured your brother's heart?" she asked, wriggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew, gross. Aunt Elena - Aurora is like a sister to me," Eric said immediately.

"Well where is she?" Elena asked, looking at the girls who stood gaping at her.

Elora watched Aurora's companion, the brunette, ah, Katherine speak. "Lady Aurora is currently resting in her chambers".

"Yes, she had a long night," the actress, Adelaide added, as though she knew Aurora well.

The Lost Princess - A 'Selection' spinoffWhere stories live. Discover now