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Aurora leaned on the pillows, trying not to wince in pain.

Her right side ached terribly, and she had a bad headache too.

Her mother left a moment ago, evidently calling out to the people outside.

She felt like a weight had been lifted off of her as she addressed her mother as 'mum'. It made her feel warm inside, and she kind of couldn't stop smiling.

She tried grooming heir hair with her right hand, failing brilliantly, sure that she looked even more awful than before.

She gave up a few minutes later, and began starting to research already.

She quickly dismissed the screens as she heard the door creak open.

The Ten Queens, and Eric, Adelaide, Kate and Lucian came in, crowding the room.

Queen Mei sat beside her, where her mother had, and took Aurora's head, tremblingly, in her hands.

She kissed her forehead and said, "Wǔ fú lín mén".

Aurora was sure it was a blessing, and didn't understand what she meant. But she was surprised to see the tears glimmering in her eyes.

"My people, my children, my grandchildren - all of them would have been orphaned. Thank you," Mei whispered, leaning her forehead, with Aurora's, muttering more Chinese under her breath.

She stood up, and Queen Johanna came in her place and handed her a signet ring.

Aurora gasped.

No one but the royal family of a kingdom had the special signet ring. 

Aurora, in fact, didn't even have the Illean signet ring yet.

"Consider this my thanks for saving my life," Johanna said. "As long as you wear this ring, you will be considered as a Princess of Germany as well".

Aurora nodded, hoping it would convey her gratitude, and slipped the ring onto one of her fingers.

"Wow, you have quite the ring collection there," Elena called from somewhere behind the Queens huddled around Aurora.

"I don't have any gift to give you," Queen Stella said. "After your birthday Ball, when all of the other Queens praised you, I didn't believe them. When they praised you, showing me the gifts you gave them, I didn't believe them. Only after seeing you save our lives, not caring about your own, did I realize - you have all the virtues that your parents possess, and even more. Your name will go down in history as the best Queen Illea has had".

"I am not worth such extravagant praise," Aurora said, trying to bow her head, wincing as she felt the pain hit her again.

"I brought cookies," Queen Elizabeth said, placing a large box filled with circular cookies on her lap.

"I want!" Lucian said, jumping over Aurora, and snatching a cookie.

"Hey!" Aurora protested, as her brother and Adelaide too joined her in the bed.

They all took a cookie, and Aurora took a bite of the one she held in her hand.

"Mmm! This is amazing," she said, her eyes widening as she looked at the Queen who made it. "You added some sea salt, right?".

"How did you know?" Queen Elizabeth asked, laughing.

"Oh she's a good cook herself, Beth," Elena said, moving forward and taking a few for herself.

"I thought this is for me," Aurora said, pulling the box nearer to herself mock protectively.

"It is," Elizabeth promised, "Except I may have promised all of them one each too".

The Lost Princess - A 'Selection' spinoffWhere stories live. Discover now