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Aurora tapped the flute of champagne and said loudly, "May I have your attention please?".

Everyone's head snapped towards her, and she could feel the nervousness bubbling in her stomach.

Perhaps she should have taken a sip of the champagne before speaking.

She smiled and began, "Those of you who know me, know very well that I would rather combat a gargoyle than make a speech-".

The crowd chuckled collectively. Aurora could see Elena staring at her from a corner, an arm around her husband's waist, and could also see the Illean royal family look at her with wide eyes.

"So you all must know how much this day means for me to stand up here and speak," she continued. "For those of you who don't know me, I am Aurora Clarkson, and the ones beside me are Lady Adelaide Summers and Lady Katherine Harris".

Adelaide and Kate curtsied at the mention of their names.

"All of you know the royal couple as the powerful monarchs of a kingdom, and some of you even know them as friends," Adelaide began.

"But we have had the privilege of seeing them as something more than that - as parents," Kate said.

"Having thirty five new girls in your house is not an easy task. And tolerating them, is an even harder one," Aurora said, amidst loud laughs. "But the King and Queen have done more than just tolerate us - in the few months we have spent with them, they have taught us many things".

"They've made us better people, they have made us strive to be worthy of their attention," Kate said.

"And even once we leave the palace, we won't forget the lessons we learnt and the memories we made," Adelaide continued.

Aurora could see the King and Queen smile at them softly.

"Our King and Queen have spent twenty years together, and three of us strived to create a gift worthy of these memory filled years of togetherness," Aurora said.

"Three headstrong girls working together isn't the best idea, as you all may know," Adelaide said, laughing slightly. "But the one thought that united us, was our determination to create a gift worthy of King Edward and Queen Elena".

"Presenting to you, our own original composition, the E!" Aurora said, winking at Eric, who seemed to get the joke.

"Hear hear!" he said.

Aurora removed her gloves and handed it over to the maid. She and her friends walked to the small stage where their instruments had been kept.

She picked up her violin as the other two positioned themselves. She twanged the strings slightly, and saw the audience look at her curiously.

Aurora looked at her friends who nodded at her, saying that they were ready.

And so they began.

It was a song from their soul and the melody of their mind.

They had taken inspiration from the exclusive royal songs and had molded this music - as Aurora's solo part came, she swayed, and played, adding her own extra flourishes to her music.

The sound echoed in the ballroom, and soon she heard the tinkling piano and the deep cello join her music.

They increased the pace and played almost fervently, until they reached a crescendo and stopped.

Pin drop silence.

And then they played a soft concluding line and truly ended.

Applause roared throughout the hall.

The Lost Princess - A 'Selection' spinoffWhere stories live. Discover now