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"What is this supposed to be?" Eric asked while lounging on Aurora's room in her chambers (the same one she used when she was a Selected).

"A document explicitly stating that you four won't be doing the following things in front of me and my sisters," Aurora replied.

The KALE were sprawled around her chambers, lazily.

It had been a few weeks since the ball, and they were supposed to have an interview with Grigori - the entire royal family and everyone associated.

The press had gone wild when they heard of this interview, but the royal family didn't reveal anything else to them.

"We won't kiss in front of the Princesses. We won't give in details on the things we do in private to the Princesses. We won't discuss how hot our partners are to the Princesses. We accept that the Princesses are the supreme Gods of the palace," Lucian read out.

"I'm sorry what's the last one?" Eric asked, taking a double take.

"States that we're awesome," Elanor supplied, while Elodie looked on superiorly.

"You guys can sign it now," Aurora said, looking at Eric, Lucian, Adelaide and Kate.

"If I didn't love you so much, I wouldn't be doing it," Eric said, signing his name midair.

Aurora stuck her tongue out at him, and the other three signed their names as well.

"That's more like it," Aurora said, high fiving her sisters.

The rest of them rolled their eyes.

"Did any of you take my empty canvas away? I swear I saw it here, even last night," she said after a moment, peeking into Kate's chambers to see if one of the maids had moved it there.

"Yeah, even I remember seeing it," Adelaide said, wrinkling her nose delicately.

How she managed to look so gorgeous even in her pajamas was a mystery to Aurora.

Eric sat next to her, twirling her hair idly, apparently thinking about something.

"I'm hungry," Elodie announced.

Aurora swiped her hand at the floating screen, and ordered something for her sister.

"One hot chocolate with peppermint crumbs coming right up!" Aurora said, tickling her.

"You spoil her too much, Aurora. Mother's going to be mad," Eric said, though he was smiling as well.

"As if," Lucian said, snorting. "Aunt Elora won't get mad at her even if she committed murder".

"Oh shush," Aurora said, melting into the hug, her sister gave her.

"What are you planning on wearing this evening?" Kate asked, fidgeting with her engagement ring.

"Don't know," Aurora said. "I think I'll visit my room and see if I like something. I'll also try stealing an easel from the King's Painting Room".

She stood up, and re did her hair before saying, "I'll be back in a while, you guys".


There were no guards when she reached the third floor.

Aurora absentmindedly walked into the paint room, walking through the many rows to see what the King had been painting. A few of her incomplete paintings were there too - she was just a bit too lazy to give the final coat of paint and varnish it.

The Lost Princess - A 'Selection' spinoffWhere stories live. Discover now