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"I think that's the best Violin Concerto in D Minor I've ever heard," Queen Elizabeth said, once she was done. "Sibelius would be joyous if he had heard this".

"I agree," Queen Annika said. "It seems that Elora was right - the music was exquisite".

"It wasn't that great," Aurora mumbled.

"It was," Vienna said. "Would you mind giving me an interview later on? I think the Vogue would love to showcase you - think about it - a lost princess, a violin prodigy, a painting exponent, a fashion icon".

"I'm not... all of that," Aurora said, waving her hand to make her understand what she meant.

"Oh you are," Adelaide said. "Stop underselling yourself".

"You're just biased," Aurora countered.

"But we're not," Queen Mei said. "Or rather, I'm not. And I say - if ever you need a job, you'll always be welcome in China - you'd make heaps of money with this music of yours".

"I'm not doing it for the money," Aurora said, looking into the Queen's eyes.

"And she doesn't need the money. Also - she's the Princess. And an aspiring doctor. Don't try to steal her away from us, Mei!" Elora said, laughing.

They all laughed together.

"I called you all early because I wanted to speak with you," Elora said, and the happy, cheerful mood immediately disappeared, now replaced with a more serious one.

"No one can hear what we're talking no, can they?" Vienna asked in a sharp voice.

"No," Elora said. "Lucian removed all the audio recorders from the palace, except in the servant quarters and the rooms of the remaining Selected. We have no fear of being overheard".

"What is it, Elora?" Queen Mei said in a tone that reminded Aurora that despite the fact that they were all scattered over blankets and cushions and dressed in overlarge sweaters, they were still Queens of the most major kingdoms of the globe.

"It's about Edward," Elora said, massaging her head, pulling cushion and hugging it.

"Is he getting worse? I saw the interview on the TV and saw that you were saying that he was talking and fine and stuff," Laura said.

"And we could also very well tell that you were lying," Elizabeth added.

Elora didn't ask them how they knew she was lying.

"We've been discussing it, and there's no progress in the health of the King. He's still in the coma," Aurora said, "But we're scared that the Illuminati may have something to do with it, or may have him killed in the hospital wing itself".

"They know about the Illuminati?" Annika asked, her eyebrows raised.

"We all do," Adelaide answered.

"What do you want us to do?" Dhiya asked, reverting back to the discussion.

"I was wondering if Edward and I could come to one of your kingdoms for his treatment," Elora said.

"Both monarchs cannot leave the Kingdom for an unknown period of time without a valid reason, Elora," Annika pointed out.

"The people would think that Edward was still in the hospital wing, and I was in another country for a diplomatic visit," Elora said.

"All the more reason for you to stay here. An incapacitated King and an absent Queen will lead to political instability," Queen Mei said, "And that's the last thing you want, especially now, since you are the target of the Illuminati".

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