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Elora ran out of the chambers, not caring who stared at her, not realizing her sister and husband were right behind her.

Nothing was wrong with Aurora, she told herself.

The girl was simply unconscious, probably out of exhaustion after a long night.

Elora heard someone call her name.

But she didn't turn back.

She ran without stopping, shoving past the patrolling guards till she reached the hospital wing, where she saw Eric gently laying Aurora on a bed, while the nurses and on duty doctors moved frantically, one of them closing the room's door.

Through the transparent glass door, Elora could see that they had placed an oxygen mask on her nose, and were checking her pulse and heartbeat.

She was about to walk into the room, when the chief doctor stopped her.

"I am the Queen!" she growled.

"And I am her doctor," he said bravely. "I will not allow you inside. You'll only hinder our work".

Elora glared at him for a good few minutes, before falling into the visitors chairs. Elena sat beside her, and hugged her tightly.

The door creaked open, and Elora looked up hopefully, only to see Eric walk out along with Lucian.

"What happened?" she demanded.

"We didn't do anything!" Lucian said quickly.

"Lo," Elena said gently placing a hand on her shoulder placatingly before looking at the Princes questioningly. "Boys. What happened?".

"When I entered the room, I saw her on the floor, lying in a really awkward position. I tried waking her up, but I realized that she wasn't asleep," Eric began.

"We decided to bring her here instead of wait for a doctor," Lucian ended, before looking at his distraught Aunt and adding, "I've never seen you like this, Aunt Elora".

Elora didn't answer her nephew. She heard the pattering of feet, and saw Katherine and Adelaide run towards them. They ignored the royal family and peeped into the glass door.

"What the hell?" Adelaide asked.

Her tone made Elora stand up, and look in too - she saw what the holographic screen showed - Aurora's heart beat was slowing.

"Push 5ml epi," she heard the doctor shout, slashing through Aurora's clothes and pressing the defibrillator on her chest.

"Oh my God," Elora said, slumping on the wall, and sliding to the ground.

"We need to call her father," Adelaide said, seemingly talking to Katherine, her expression blank.

"Don't you remember what she told us? He's dead. He died a few days back," Katherine replied. "She got the news a few days back. Remember?".

No wonder she had told Millie that she was an orphan.

"Is that why she seemed so upset the day of your dress fitting?" Eric asked, joining in on their conversation.

"Not upset. Confused. That man had abused her for half her life - there was no love lost there. She was wondering what she would do in the future," Katherine replied.

"So she got the news before the dress fitting?" she heard Elena ask.

"Yes," Katherine replied curtly.

"How is it that you have the audacity to talk to a Queen like that?" Lucian asked wonderingly.

Elora looked up so see their reaction.

The Lost Princess - A 'Selection' spinoffWhere stories live. Discover now