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Pin drop silence.

And then Vienna said, "Oh. My. Frickin'. God".

"That sums the situation very well," Elora said.

"How are you not more surprised with this piece of news?" Elena demanded.

"If it was one of us, I would have had my mind blown. But Olivia... I mean, she's Olivia, Elena," she said. "I don't see why you're so surprised".

"It's impressive that you collected this information, Ella. But are you sure that Olivia is Leonie's daughter?" Johanna asked.

"As you all know, Olivia started having prosthetic surgery before she could turn twelve. There's only one picture of her like that," Ella said, pulling the picture up. "I used an AI to show how she'll look in twenty years hence".

She showed the picture, seeing it age quickly.

It looked exactly like Leonie, except for her jaw which was more square.

"So she had all this prosthetic surgery just to prevent being discovered by other older monarchs?" Mei asked.

"Yes. Leonie was one of the open secrets in those days - and anyone would recognize Olivia since she looks a lot like her," Ella said.

"But how did Olivia manage to marry the King of Brazil? Does that mean the royal family is part of the Illuminati too?" Laura asked.

"Not likely. I remember Lucas being forced to marry Olivia. His father looked different when he did so too," Annika said. "He was being blackmailed".

"Shouldn't Lucas be aware of the fact that his country was practically broke because of his wife?" Kamlai asked.

"It's been years since the public has seen Lucas. And Olivia has had a free reign to rule for quite a bit too- she's been sponsoring the Illuminati for a long time," Elora reminded.

"Olivia wasn't even born when the Illuminati struck Hindustan during King Deva's reign," Dhiya pointed out.

"Isn't it ironic that King Deva, the main one responsible in deporting the Austrian King, was the first one who's Kingdom was hit by the Illuminati?" Ella asked. "Maybe someone was blackmailing another King at that time".

"Or," Elora began. "Or, maybe Leonie was blackmailing the Brazil King back then".

"Already? But how?" Stella asked.

Elora looked at her daughter slightly before saying, "By using... other means".

"Ewww," Ella said. "Gross. Please, let's not continue with that theory, please".

"But you've got to accept - it makes sense," Mei said.

"Not you too," Elena said, groaning, looking as disgusted as her niece.

"No listen to me - that's probably the reason why he made Lucas marry Olivia," Mei said adamantly.

"So we had the criminal in front of our eyes all along," Laura said.

"Not really," Stella said. "She couldn't be acting alone. She was here, in the palace last month, but she was here to do something. She must've had a purpose".

"For the cake knife?" Elena suggested.

"No. Ella spilt wine on her before that, remember?" Elora said, and Ella shrugged as everyone looked at her.

"Maybe she had come to relay instructions. In person," Vienna said.

"Yeah that makes more sense. She was pacing here and there outside one of the ballroom exits and I had to send her away. She walked till I was gone, and paced somewhere near the throne room again. Millie came, bowed to her, and gave her directions," Ella said, before adding, "It's there in the original security footage. No audio, but just video".

The Lost Princess - A 'Selection' spinoffWhere stories live. Discover now