Desperate Escape

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(Third Person)

Nik watched around the room as the team she hired grew increasingly alarmed at the deteriorating mission. " I have to make a call. I'll be in the hallway. " She said. Her intelligence agents nodded. " Got a message from Armando. He's on standby. " Yaz reported. " Good. " Nik said before stepping out. After closing the door. 

She stepped down the hallway and leaned against the wall. " Dammit. " She muttered before taking out her phone. " How did this person find the boat? " Nima pondered. " The only other person in entire the Mahajan Entourage that knew the plan was Saju. He was the one who not only authorized it but helped plan it with his own military experience. Nima attempted to call her superior but received no answer. She turned off the phone and started into the blank screen, slowly coming to terms with the likely truth. 

(YN's P.O.V) 

Nice, two apartment buildings in one day... Unlike the high-rise building from before, this one was small and rectangular-shaped with an open area in the middle. We went up to the third floor. I found a storage room and had Nima hide in the corner while I waited next to the open door. 

My plan was to let the cops stretch themselves thin searching each floor and room then slip away. Soon enough, one cop past the door. I quickly glanced to see if there were others behind him. No, good. I ejected both my wrist blades and dashed to the cop. He spun around but I knocked his gun's barrel to the side with my forearm and slashed his throat open with my other arm. 

" Nima. Come one. Come one. " I whispered and withdrew my pistol, quickly reloading it. She stuck behind me and followed. Another rifle stuck out. I quickly slashed down and cut the barrel off before turning the corner and shooting the cop in the face. I shoved his body with my side but the cop behind threw his back to the wall to dodge the corpse. 

I charged him and grabbed his Uzi, pointing up and mag-dumping the ceiling. I elbowed him with my right arm then put my pistol under his chin and fired. " HomeRun help! " Nima shouted. I ran into an apartment and found a cop dragging Nima on the ground by her hair and the vest. I pulled him off her and stabbed him a few times in the gut before shoving him off the railing. 

The cops below scrambled to avoid the body. I ejected another smoke bomb and tossed it down to distract them. Nima and I dashed across the inner balcony to get up the staircase. " It's the roof. Come on! " I shouted as we ran up. Fuck, this place is smarming. I quickly put my pistol away and took my MP7 from my leather jacket to reload it. 

We heard and saw a nearby helicopter so we kept low and hid around some hanging laundry. " All right, Nima. Do you trust me? " I asked. " No. " Nima replied worriedly. " Good. " I chuckled before grabbing her and jumping off the rooftop together. She screamed but our landing wasn't too rough. " You're crazy. You're crazy. " Nima said as we took the fire escape down. 

This was yet another damn apartment building. I led her through the second-floor balcony so we could exit out the front and blend in the crowd. " Stay right behind me. We gotta keep moving. " I ordered. Right as we turned a corner, Saju met us. I bashed his pistol out of his hand with my SMG butt.

He grabbed the underside of my Uzu and turned us both to be side by side before pulling out another pistol. I quickly shoved his new gun down but lost my SMG in the process. He backed me against the wall as we grappled for his gun. Saju headbutted me so I got my right elbow free and clocked him across the jaw. I pushed us to the edge but we both fell off the balcony and onto the cloth-covered top of a box truck.

We both groaned and writhed in pain before getting up. We landed close so withdrawing my pistol was a gamble. Saju's was under the truck and next to the back left tire. He made the choice for us and withdrew a knife. " Fine. " I agreed and ejected my wrist blades, making him flinch for a second. He charged and I dodged his swings. A motorcycle with two people, one carrying boxes separated for a moment.

I attacked with a slash at his midsection but he got my arm and locked it to pull me closer. I kneed his side before getting a leg behind his and performed a takedown. Before Saju could get up, I front-rolled to get some distance and pulled my pistol from a crouching position. He was hit by a speeding car right before I could shoot him. 

I considered finishing him, but Nima's cries for help got my attention. I got off the road and found three cops hauling Nima through a street corner. One of them shouted what I assume to be a warning before I raised my Saur M17 and downed all three. " Are you alright? " I asked. " Yeah. " She replied shakily. I broke into and hotwired the truck me and Saju fell off. Nima peeked out the window as I drove. 

" They're still following us. " She said after spotting a helicopter. I made a sharp turn and spotted a bridge. Beyond it was a small road maintenance site with a small stack of propane tanks. " When we get under the bridge, we're jumping out the car. " I stated. " What! " She shouted. I pulled her to my side. " On three. One! " I shouted and opened the door. We tumbled out the car with Nima ending up on top of me. " Are you alright? " I asked. 

She appeared flustered for a moment before nodding and getting off me. The truck hit the site and blew up the tanks. It even flipped over before blowing up itself. " Great. Consider our deaths faked for a few hours. " I said. " How does Saju keep finding us? " Nima asked. " Don't know. " I replied. " Fuck. " I cursed. " What? " Nima asked. " I figured it out. " I claimed. 

Nik gave us all burner flip phones so we could communicate without radio and track our locations. Saju works with her father and should know about Nik's operation. What type of backstabbing bullshit is this? Saju's tracking our phones! I took my flip phone and snapped it in half. " Alright, he shouldn't be too much of an issue now. " I said. " Come on, Nima. We gotta move. " We blended in with the crowd and moved through them as they went towards the wreckage.

(Third Person)

Saju stumbled towards a cop car that stopped to avoid the explosion and caused an accident. His face was bloodied while his body was racked with pain. The door was opened and the cop was hunched over the steering wheel. Saju pulled the body up. The cop groaned and slumped backward, only weakly swatting Saju away as he stole his radio. 

Saju reached into one of the pouches on his vest and retrieved his phone. He opened up the same tracking network Nik and her team was using and found no ping on HomeRun. The bodyguard and enforcer grunted angrily before shoving his phone back into the pouch. 

The police colonel sat in the back of a police car, currently on his way back to the nearby precinct he was using as a base. " Sir, the vehicle crashed. It hit propane tanks and flipped over. " A cop reported on the radio. " Take me to the scene. " He ordered before taking out his phone and calling Amir. " Did you find the girl? " The drug lord asked. 

" No, but she and her savior may be dead. They were in a truck and got into a bad accident. " The colonel replied. " Meet me there. I want to see the bodies. " Amir ordered. " Sending you the location. " The colonel acknowledged. He ended the call, getting the location from a cop on the radio then messaging it to the drug lord.

Amir smirked after receiving the message. " Get us here. " He ordered and showed the guard in the passenger seat the location. The guard nodded and relayed the location to the driver. " How confident are you in their deaths? " His female companion asked. " Hardly, but there's nothing wrong with an ounce of hope. " He claimed. " Hope all you want. People in my line of work. We make our own luck. " The woman assured. 

When they got to the wreckage, night had begun. Fire crews had finished their job and now waited for tow trucks to arrive and haul away the wrecked cars. The colonel checked around the scene before walking to Amir's car. Shadek's car parked alongside Amir's He got out and stood behind his boss's car. " They're still alive. " He informed.

 " I want every cop's gun aimed at HomeRun. " He ordered. " Amir ordered. " Shadek, have you heard from the Nicaraguan? " The second in command moved to Amir's window while the colonel stepped back. " He's in the city but no progress so far. " Shadek informed. " We have so different people after him, don't fail me. " Amir urged his underlings before rolling up his window. The colonel and Shadek watched Amir's car drive off. 

The two sides of the same corrupt coin glanced at each other before getting to their cars and resuming their duties. 

HomeRun: MCU X Assassin Male Reader SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now