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(Third Person)

Amir and his entourage walked onto the street where a convoy of cops and guards waited. " Blockades have been set up on every bridge in and out of Dhaka. I have teams combing the Buriganga as we speak. We'll find them, sir. " The colonel assured. Farhad opened the door for his boss. " I like this one. Get him a gun. " Amir ordered Shadek.

The drug lord turned to the colonel. " Was it HomeRun? " He asked. " If you mean the man in green, yes. We had forensics check the phones your men had. We can't trace the calls and messages back but we have confirmation. " Amir nodded and wore a slight smirk. 

" Put your fingers to work. " He ordered Farhad before entering the passenger side with the woman. Together, they began the trip back to his mansion while the colonel and Shadak separated to coordinate their own spheres of influence. " I heard of HomeRun, your men and the police will fail, you know. I'm an option whenever you need me. " She offered confidently. " A dead last option. " Amir reminded. " You women charge too much. I hired you as a bodyguard. No more, no less. " The woman smirked. " For now. " She remarked. 

Amir returned the expression. " Dealing with HomeRun benefits me. I've been in contact with an eager party ever since I heard Mahajan hired him for the girl. He's a wanted man and came all the way from Nicaragua to kill him, for free too. " The woman rolled her eyes but Amir didn't notice because of her sunglasses. " What a cheapskate. " She thought in Russian. 

(YN) and Nima continued their rush to the boat. " I... I can't breathe. " Nima gasped. " Deep breath. Deep breath. We're only five minutes out. " He encouraged. " Come one, we gotta keep moving. " On the boat, Thiago and Jose took out pistols and flashlights to check the ship. Thiago went down to the engine room and noticed a pipe leaking steam. Before he could report in, the mercenary was stabbed in the back of his neck. 

" What tripped the alarm! "  Jose shouted down the staircase. " Thiago? " He approached the staircase and tilt his head quickly, seeing nothing below. " Thiago's not responding. Something's u-. " Jose said on the comms before the stowaway peeked and shot him. His body rolled down the staircase. Saju arose from below deck wearing black tactical gear and wielding a customized UMP submachine gun. 

Back at the hotel room, Nik's nervousness showed as she paced across the room faster. " We're getting played. " Yaz said. Nik picked up a handheld radio. " Give me verbal. " She ordered. " G here. " Gaetan reported in. " Thiago? Jose? " Nik called out. " Shit. " The sniper cursed and tried to find any sign of life on the boat through his scope. 

" HomeRun, something's wrong. Hold your position. " Nik ordered. (YN)'s phone was patched in their comms. " Holding. " He acknowledged and motioned Nima to get down. " G, you got eyes on the boat? " Nik asked. " I've been looking at it. Our boy hasn't come out yet. I'm moving in for a closer look. " Gaetan said. 

When he stood up, Saju shot him twice in the back. " Ms. Khan, I'm tapped into the police radio. We got police boats two hundred meters away from the boat. " The female intel operator reported. " G, report. " Nik ordered to no avail. " Dammit. " She muttered. " HomeRun, the boat is compromised. There's someone else in these woods. " 

(YN) used his glasses to zoom in and scout the terrain. Saju slowly made his way to the pair but stepped on a twig. (YN) saw a couple of birds fly out and zoomed in their direction, finding Saju. The assassin quickly put down his gun and put his left gauntlet into crossbow mode and loaded his vibranuim tracking arrow. " Nima, whatever you do, don't distract me. " He ordered. " She nodded and clutched her vest tighter. 

The two police boats stopped beside the escape boat and boarded it. " We found a boat. Requesting air support by the river. They're in the forest. " The intel operative heard. Nik grabbed the radio. " HomeRun, chopper's inbound. " She stated before calling Armando. He returned to the airport shortly after the briefing. 

(YN) heard a helicopter in the distance. " Too early, guess the cops are swarming the area. " He thought. The assassin closed his eyes and established the neural link. " Nima, it's Saju! I'm here to take you home! " He shouted in Hindi. " Who the fuck is he? " (YN) asked Nima. " I know him. Saju, I'm here! " She shouted, attempting to get up from cover but being pulled down by (YN). 

" Sit down and shut up. " He ordered. " This isn't right. " (YN) put his gauntlet back into default mode and inserted his arrow. He couldn't risk a shot without Nima running. " I need the girl! I won't hurt her! " Saju reasoned. " No can do, pal! " The assassin refused. (YN) pressed a button on his left gauntlet and a smoke bomb popped out. 

" When I tell you to, run like hell or I'm gonna kill you both. Understand? " He asked threateningly. " Yes! " Nima cried out. (YN) threw the smoke bomb. " Go! " He shouted. Nima sprinted for the car while (YN) sprayed his MP7 through the smoke before chasing after Nima. 

" Passenger side! Passenger side! " He yelled while ejecting another smoke bomb. (YN) threw another smoke bomb before starting the car and driving off. He drove through the streets as people and motorcyclists swerved out of his way. The assassin turned to be blocked off by two cop cars. 

" Shit! " (YN) cursed before driving the car in reverse and using his free hand to shoot through the windshield. " I'm gonna die here! " Nima panicked. The car turned around in time to be shot at by Saju. (YN) quickly pulled Nima's head down. " Stay low! " He ordered before letting go. Saju shot through one of the cop cars and got the driver. 

The car hit a wall but (YN) could see Saju getting in on the rearview mirror. " Saju! Help! " Nima shouted. " (YN) quickly took out his phone and put in the cup holder. " Please let me go. Saju works for my father. " She reasoned. " I work for your father. But something is really fucked here. Saju could have a deal with the men who grabbed you and send you right back to them. " (YN) countered while keeping his eyes forward.

 " Then take me to the police. " Nima frantically proposed. " The cops are in on it. " He stated. " Look, if you wanna survive, you have to trust me. " (YN)'s phone as Nik called. " Nik I'm driving on the streets. I need eyes! " The assassin shouted. " Nik! " Nima shouted happily. " Hey Nima, you need to listen to HomeRun. We're getting you out. " She reasoned. " HomeRun, turn right after the bridge. " (YN)'s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. " How far past the gate? " (YN) asked. 

" What gate? " Nik questioned as (YN) plowed the car through a wooden gate and crossed a bridge. " Turn right. " She directed. " Can't. Truck in the way. " He informed and continued forward. " HomeRun, cops on your right. " Nik reported. (YN) accelerated the car right before two cop cars could block him and Saju. Behind them, Saju withdrew an HK45 pistol and shot into the police car on his right and killed the driver. 

The car clipped the corner of the cement guardrails and flipped out of control. Saju fired on the cop car on his left, resulting in it ramming a homeless encampment. " Up ahead, make a left. " Nika directed. (YN) shot into the back windshield at Saju before swerving to the left and driving through a market, barely missing any of the stands. " Fuck, the gate up ahead is locked! " He raged. " Nima, is your seatbelt on? " She laughed dryly. 

" It's been on! You drive like you're insane! " Nima cried out. " Great, hold on! " He ordered before putting the car in reserve and going full speed into Saju's car. " Up the stairs, this way. " (YN) directed quietly as the pair got out and quickly escaped into a much less run-down apartment building. 

Saju fell out of his cop car, head bleeding from the impact. He leaned on the car and took a few breaths as the gate (YN) and Nima tried to escape through was shot open. Armored policemen wielding AKM assault rifles and Uzis stormed through and slowly followed. Two cops broke off formation at the rear to search the stolen cop car. Saju was nowhere in sight.

HomeRun: MCU X Assassin Male Reader SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now