Alternate Payment Method

50 3 0

(Third Person)

Dhaka, Bangladesh

HomeRun sat at the bar of a two-floor high-end restaurant, a wine glass in hand. He stared at the red liquid as he swished it around in his glass. Alcohol was never a luxury he cared much for. The assassin wore a green suit and black cargo pants to fit the environment. Said drink was also to blend in. 

" Care to get a fellow American a drink? " Someone asked. HomeRun looked to his right and saw a young Indian or Bangladeshi woman in a traditional dress. " Sure, why not? " He asked rhetorically and motioned the bartender over. She ordered a martini while HomeRun looked over at this target. 

Amir Asif stood on the balcony, watching a parade while Shadek sat at a nearby table " So, what brings you to Dhaka? Business or pleasure? " She asked curiously. HomeRun chuckled. " With my line of work, I can't tell the difference. " He replied. The two laughed as the bartender handed the girl her drink. " That's funny. Come on, tell me. " She pushed playfully. 

HomeRun glanced at Amir and remembered a line from one of his favorite movies. " I'm a union delegate. " HomeRun pointed to Amir. " And that guy by the balcony has a meeting with me soon. " She watched Amir with the assassin for a short moment. " Oh really? Why aren't you talking with him then? " The girl questioned. " He doesn't want to talk to me. I'm waiting to catch him off guard. " HomeRun replied quietly. 

A waiter arrived with a plate of food and placed it on Shadek's table. He motioned to one of the guards who got Amir's attention. The drug lord turned and glanced at the food before walking towards the bar. HomeRun quickly looked away and sipped his wine glass. He glanced at Amir's back and saw he was going to the bathroom. 

" Sorry, I have to leave right after I talk to him. " The assassin apologized and got up. " What about the bill for my drink? " She asked quickly. " Don't worry. " He replied dismissively with no eye contact before entering the bathroom. Amir had just stopped at a urinal. HomeRun walked right past him and entered the nearest stall. 

He carefully rolled down his right sleeve, listening for Amir's movements. Right as he flushed the urinal, HomeRun flushed the toilet and waited to hear the sink. Upon hearing the water, the assassin stepped out. He kept his eyes forward and walked as if he was casually passing Amir. Right as the two were close, HomeRun ejected his right wrist blade and low-kicked the back of Amir's knees. 

The drug lord collapsed and hit his head. HomeRun yanked Amir's head back by his hair and plunged the blade into his throat. He retracted the wrist blade and let the body go. " Gotta hurry up. Finish the plan and get paid. " HomeRun thought. The assassin let Amir's corpse flop to the ground and quickly searched his pockets and took out his wallet. HomeRun found the credit card and took out his phone to take pictures of it.

Hey, T. Here's the card. Do it now. 


Running on coffee and money-induced willpower over here my guy. K I see the pic.

Scanning the code and pasting the account number and security code in. Got a couple of crappy firewalls here.


Homerun glanced from his phone to the entrance, ejecting his left wrist blade in case Amir's security or Shadek entered.

Done. Holy shit! There's four million on this linked account!


Hurry up and empty it. Can't talk anymore, gotta leave. Your cut is half a mil. No more, no less.


On it. See you later.


HomeRun quickly pocketed the wallet and exited the bathroom. The nearby guards paid him little attention as he walked back to the bar. " How was your meeting? " The girl whispered suspiciously. "  Went well. Nice talking to you, but I'm leaving. Pay for the bill yourself. Use the cash only. " HomeRun whispered and dropped the wallet in her lap. 

" Huh? " She asked. The assassin said nothing and got up to leave. He smirked at his antics as he left the restaurant. A car that had been circling the block stopped in front of him. Its windows came down, revealing Nik in the driver's seat. HomeRun nodded and got in. The girl checked her surroundings before opening the wallet. " Holy fuck. " She whispered upon seeing the bills. 

Shadek turned off his phone, growing more uneased at the time. " Check the bathroom. " He quietly ordered one of the guards. The guard nodded and speed walked inside. He returned a short moment later, his face wrought with alarm. The girl realized something was up and pocketed the wallet. She motioned to the bartender, a smile growing on her lips. 

" Two more, please. " 

HomeRun: MCU X Assassin Male Reader SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now