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Hailee POV

I was waiting for him to come back. I didn't know what I was going to do, I was very bored, I took it to clean up after breakfast.

When I finished I heard the doorbell, first I looked at the window to see who it was. If it weren't for some fans or paparazzi.

I saw a short female figure. I opened the door and saw Cardi B.


"Heyyyy girllll. I think I hadn't missed the house. I'm looking for Christian."

"You didn't, come in, he went to drive his sister off at the airport half an hour ago. He will be back soon." I told her and moved from the door to go inside.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Coffee is fine. But, are you two together, like in a relationship or just a combination."

"No no no, none of that just friends."

I said as I put the coffee down on the coffee table.

"What brings you here?"

"J should come now. We have a song to record together, but I came 15 minutes earlier, because my plane arrived earlier. Is there anything new with you. Some gossip, this, that, some new boyfriend or a combination. Talk."

"There's nothing new with me. I don't have a boyfriend anymore, I don't have any luck with boys at all. With you?"

"Nothing new, all the same. I'm still married to Kiara. The kids are great, you know how it goes, they're all dump, but they're still kids."

We talked like that for half an hour until the doorbell rang. I went to the window again to see which one.

That was a tall male figure. I knew right away that it was Christian. I ran to the door to open it.

When I opened them and saw him, I hugged him tightly. I felt like we hadn't seen each other in years, not an hour.

"Have you missed me so much in this hour."

"You have no idea how much. It's boring when I'm alone." We went inside to the living room.

"Bacardi, sorry I'm late, this wasn't planned."

"Doesn't matter."

"But where's J?"

"He sent me a message that he can't do it today, so we should finish ours, and he will do his part when he has time, he will send it to me."

"Okay, then shall we?"

"This way, Hailee do you want to come with us or are you going to wait?"

"I'm going home, so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll come now."

He went to his jacket and took something.

"Bacardi, wait for me in the studio, I'll come now, just to see her off."

"Okay ."

We headed for the door. I put on my shoes and took my things. We went out front and stopped by Flo's car.

"Here are your keys. Do you know how to drive? Don't worry, if you want I can drive you home, it's no problem for me."

"It's okay, I know how to drive, I have a driver's license. Don't worry about me. Make sure you finish that song."

"You know I'm going to finish it. And I wanted to ask you, to give me your phone number, so we can talk in case you need anything."


I gave him my phone, he typed in his number, and call himself to put my number in his phone. We said goodbye and hugged. I took the car keys and headed home.

Christian POV

I went back inside and went to the studio where Cardi was waiting for me.

"I apologize again for being late."

"It's okay, Chris. But... I have question. Hailee is a very good girl. Why don't you ask her out. I'm sure she'll accept the offer."

"I'm not sure she likes me."

"Well, you won't be if you don't ask her."

"I'll deal with that later. Now we have a song to work on. Do you want me to give you a piece of paper with the text or to read from the phone?"

"I will read from my phone."

She entered the room and put on her headphones. She finished rapping her part and I finished singing mine. We've edited ours part, all that's left is for J to finish tomorrow his part.

Hailee Steinfeld X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now