Part 4: Tournament - Miguel 🆚 Daniel

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🚫Warning: This topic is only made for interest of reading. This scene have never happened in Cobra Kai, it's just imagination.🚫

''What? This isn't fair! How can sensei fight student at the tournament!'' Johnny yelled.

Both, him and Daniel including others were shocked.

''Hey, you don't have to fight against Larusso if you--"

''No, it's okay sensei. I'll give it a try,'' Miguel interrupted him.

The tension in the arena was palpable as the new rule was announced. The judges would now select one sensei and one student from each dojo to compete based on their martial arts prowess. This unexpected twist sent shockwaves through the crowd and the competitors alike.

Terry Silver's eyes narrowed with concern, his protective instincts kicking in. He didn't want anyone, not even Daniel Larusso, who seemed close to Miguel, to harm Miguel. Terry knew that Daniel, being an accomplished fighter and Miguel's second sensei, had an advantage. His gaze darted between the two combatants, worried about the outcome.

Amidst the apprehension, Daniel Larusso stepped forward to face Miguel, his gaze focused and determined. He had trained Miguel and knew his every move, his strengths and weaknesses. The familiarity gave Daniel an edge, but it also added an emotional weight to the confrontation.

As the fight commenced, Daniel showcased his deep understanding of Miguel's techniques. He anticipated each strike and block, countering with precision and skill. It was clear that he had studied Miguel's style extensively, leaving Miguel at a disadvantage.

Miguel, on the other hand, struggled to find his rhythm. He knew Daniel's moves, but facing his own sensei in combat was a unique challenge. The internal conflict weighed heavily on Miguel as he fought to prove himself and overcome the overwhelming familiarity of Daniel's attacks.

The clash between the two fighters intensified, their movements filled with intensity and purpose. The crowd held their breath, captivated by the unfolding battle of mentor and student. Cheers and gasps erupted as each blow landed or was evaded.

Terry Silver watched with a mix of concern and admiration. He didn't want Miguel to get hurt, but he also recognized the significance of this match. It was a testament to their growth and the bond they shared. His state looked now dangerous, the way he crossed his arms and the way he fixed his gaze on the match send everyone shivers.

As the final moments of the fight approached, the score stood at 2:1 in Daniel's favor. The outcome seemed imminent, but Miguel refused to give up. He dug deep, summoning every ounce of strength and determination within him. With a surge of energy, Miguel launched a series of rapid attacks, surprising Daniel momentarily. Miguel's resilience and spirit shone through as he fought back, refusing to be defeated easily. However, despite Miguel's valiant efforts, Daniel's experience and knowledge proved insurmountable. With one final decisive move, Daniel emerged victorious, securing a 3:1 score in his favor.

The arena erupted in applause, acknowledging the skill and tenacity displayed by both fighters. Terry's expression sill the same, angry and serious for Daniel and also a mixture of concern for Miguel. He knew that while Daniel had won, the toll it took on both him and Miguel was undeniable. As the two combatants stood face to face, a complex array of emotions swirled within them. The bond between sensei and student remained intact, forever marked by this intense and transformative encounter.

''Larusso,'' Terry started as he slowly walked towards him.

Daniel turned around shocked to see him in front of him now. What was his intention?

''Watch your moves,'' he warned him as Daniel narrowed his eyebrows.

''I don't need to watch anything, you need to watch your student's moves,'' Daniel replied, his face all serious.

Terry was now literally watching his soul, with his determinded gaze. Miguel is for him utmost importance.

''Very funny, Larusso. Just remember my words,'' Terry said, his gaze lingering on him for few seconds before leaving back to his students.

On the other side, Miguel and Hawk were watching the whole situation. Miguel knew that Terry was 100% talking about him and that he even maybe warned or threatened Daniel. He knew that he had something special that obviously caught his attention and interest.

Terry Silver x Miguel Diaz [One Shots] > Cobra Kai ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now