Part 6: Injured

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The formidable sensei of Cobra Kai, stood before Miguel Diaz, a student of Eagle Fang. Miguel's initial reaction was to close the door the moment he saw Terry, but his attempt was halted as Terry swiftly intervened, stopping the door with his hand or leg, effectively shocking Miguel. Miguel, determined to maintain a strong front around Terry and hide his fear, mustered the courage to speak a few serious words, unaware that Terry already knew the truth.

Miguel looked at him shocked as Terry's serious gaze never left him. Terry's piercing gaze locked onto Miguel's, his expression betraying his understanding of Miguel's true emotions.

''Hello Miguel,'' Terry started.

Miguel's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by Terry's words. Still, he held on to his resolve, trying to assert his strength.

''What are you doing here?'' Miguel asked, his voice shaking a little.

Terry's demeanor remained unwavering, his voice carrying a mix of authority and compassion.

''What's that?'' Terry asked as he looked at Miguel's hand which was covered in purple color.

Miguel looked at him with scared and concerned expression, not knowing what to say or to do.

''It's nothing,'' Miguel replied.

"I know how usually students get these marks or bruises,'' Terry said, like he really wanted to know how he got that.

Miguel hesitated, his guard slowly lowering as he contemplated Terry's words. In that moment, he realized that his fears were not lost on Terry.

''It's just training accident,'' Miguel said, not knowing how to look Terry in the eyes.

Terry's eyes softened, his presence exuding a sense of understanding yet he knew that Miguel was still lying. He gently grabbed Miguel's hand shocking Miguel as he flinched a little. Terry looked at him giving him that confident stare.

''My students did this, didn't they?'' Terry asked with serious expression on his face.

In this tension-filled conversation, Miguel's attempt to close the door and maintain a serious demeanor showcased his desire to appear strong in front of Terry, concealing his fear. However, Terry, with his astute perception, recognized Miguel's true emotions.

''I won't hurt you, Miguel. I just want to know the truth,'' Terry explained.

''Why? So you can tell them to hurt me and my friends more?'' Miguel asked, his serious and hurt expression never dissapearing from his face.

''No, because I want to teach them a lesson,'' Terry replied, shocking Miguel.

Terry noticed Miguel's shocked and confused stare as he chuckled.

''You have a true potential, Miguel. A real challenging and the best fighter I have ever saw in my entire life. Sometimes, even the best fighters need a little support from others,'' Terry explained.

''Okay, they did it,'' Miguel admitted.

Terry nodded as he back away from his appartment showing him that he has no intention on hurting him. He looked at him one more time before leaving. Miguel started thinking what will he do to his students, and the best question is, why would he hurt them?

Terry Silver x Miguel Diaz [One Shots] > Cobra Kai ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now