Part 24: Returning as a champion (Part 2)

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"It's okay Terry, just take it easy," Miguel said as he settled him down on the bed.

He looked worried at his boyfriend who was injured. Miguel knew how Terry had different way of seeing things, like karate. It was different from Daniel's and Johnny's thinking and style but it made sense, he liked his way of thinking.

"Miguel, you don't have to do this," Terry said as he sat on the bed wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"No, I have to. Okay? Who knows what could Mr. Larusso do to you---"

"He can't do anything to me. I was fighting against Chozen first, it made me injured but I still fighted against Larusso," Terry interrupted him, describing his current situation.

"Hold on, this may hurt," Miguel said as he put one cold towel on Terry's injured forehead as Terry hissed a little.

Miguel looked at him with concerned expression, wanting to take care of his boyfriend. Terry watched him in amaze loving the way he have such a careful and worried boyfriend.

"Miguel..." Terry said as he held Miguel's hand.

Miguel looked at him with worried and confused look. Terry smiled at him but his smile fade away fastly.

"I....don't want you to think that I can't beat Danny boy, I---"

"I know that you can defeat my previous sensei's. You trained in Cobra Kai way longer than anyone. You have my fully trust. Please remember that," Miguel said in gentle voice.

Terry's smile appeared back on the face as he put away towel and turned his body towards Miguel. Miguel noticed the sudden change in his body language. Terry grabbed his hands gently and put it in his.

"I love you. You know that? Don't trust Larusso or Chozen. Sensei Lawrence is still your closest sensei so you can talk to him," Terry said as Miguel nodded.

"Okay, thank you," Miguel said as he smiled.


They didn't know how Terry felt at that time. After few hours Miguel woke up hearing someone crying. He slowly stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Everything destroyed when he saw that Terry was drinking vine and crying. That night was crazy. He still remembers it. He still remembers every damn sentence that Terry told him, how he loved Cobra Kai and he even admitted how society made him sick so that's why he's acting like this.

He wanted to get a revenge.

"Everything alright?" Terry asked as he sat beside him.

"Yeah, just thinking," Miguel replied.

"About?" Terry asked interested.

"About getting a revenge," Miguel said determined as Terry smirked.

"That's the spirit baby. I taught you good," Terry said proud.

"Look at the way Terry's manipulating Miguel," Robby said with mad glare as Kenny looked at them.

"I can't believe that Diaz joined him, he was in your team," Kenny added.

"Maybe he deserves to fight alone," Kyler added as they turned around to face him shocked.

"What did you just say?" Sam asked shocked.

"What? Just telling the truth. I mean look at him, he betrayed all of you, now if I can even put it in that way, all of us," Kyler said.

"Miguel knows what he's doing," Hawk said as he faced Kyler.

"Oh yeah? Than why is he on the other side?" Tory asked.

"If anyone knows the entire him, that's me. I trust Miguel and I'm sure that he have good reason to be on the other side. And you're not that welcome here," Hawk said as Kyler looked at him.

"What did you say?" Kyler asked angrily as he stepped closer to Hawk.

"Enough. This won't solve anything," Robby said.

"Robby's right. Let's just focus on this tournament," Tory added.

Robby and Miguel made eye contact as he noticed something strange. In the beginning they were enemies. It came from enemies to friends, and now from friends to again...enemies? That didn't make any sense to him. He wanted to know what was going on because he knew that Miguel changed. By the moment they met, Miguel showed love for his friends, including Robby and he was thankful to have Miguel as his friend. Now, everything changed.

Terry Silver x Miguel Diaz [One Shots] > Cobra Kai ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now