Part 22: Final fight

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''So, you're with them now?'' Devon asked.

''You knew what would happen if he or his friends ever step in this dojo again,'' Kenny says looking at Miyagi do students with angry expression.

''How they knew that we were here?'' Sam asked shocked.

''I don't know,'' Robby replied.

''Mitch, come on. Get your ass over here where you belong,'' Kyler said as others looked shocked at him.

''How could you?'' Bert asked.

''Man, look around. They got snacks, smoothie, or dojo doesn't even have a roof or like any chicks. No offense Sam,'' Mitch replied.

''Okay shut up. We got a traitor, you got a traitor. So, let's go!'' Kyler says impatient to start fighting already.

''I'm not a traitor, I'm just not buying with Silver's asseling,'' Tory replied.

''Silver lied, to all of us..'' Robby said determined.

''Us? What us? The only person who lie to me is you!'' Kenny says angrily.


Miguel was running fast, trying to get to Cobra Kai dojo as soon as he can. He knew that everyone were in danger and that everyone would get hurt so he wanted to help them to solve things out. Even tho he's not in Miyagi Do or Cobra Kai, he'll still protect his friends.


''Protect the egg!'' Robby shouts as they all gathered around Anthony who was holding a tablet which was an evidence.

Everyone were attacking from other sides, causing Miyagi Do to feel overwhelmed by their punches. They felt the way Cobra Kai students were outnumbering them.

''Hey! Knock it off!'' Daniel yelled going through them, trying to stop them.

Eventually Anthony managed to put the video on the Cobra Kai's main tv as everyone stopped hearing the voices as they looked up to see the video. Everyone were in shock, specially Kenny, when he heard that Terry admitted that he was cheating to win the tournament. Miguel arrived just in time to see that video.

''That's it?'' Terry asked as everyone looked at him shocked to see him there.

''That was your big plan Larusso? Breaking into my dojo to steal some footage that changes nothing?'' He added as students back away making circle around them.

''It wasn't his plan. It was ours,'' Tory admitted as Miguel looked at her shocked.

''It changes everything,'' Robby said determined as Terry turned to his students.

''Our enemies, they think they can keep attacking us with no repercussions. And what does the enemy deserve?'' Terry asked, expecting their answer but they kept silent shocking him.

''Their sensei's broke into my home tonight! My home! Attacked me unprovoked! But here I am, the only one left standing. Life isn't a fairytale, it's a competitive sport! Right or wrong, there's no such a thing! There are only winners....and loosers. Cobra Kai wins winners because we're willing to do whatever it takes to come up on the top. You got your ass kicked Danny boy, you cannot accept that. Or I can kick it again right now...'' Terry says as Miguel walked towards him worried.

''Terry, what are you doing?'' Miguel asked worried as all of them looked confused at Miguel.

''Miguel,'' Robby says with kind of betraying voice spotting that there's some connection between them.

''I'm with you Daniel, do what you have to do,'' Amanda says to her husband as Daniel sighed and went closer to Terry.

''Don't worry baby. I'm doing whatever it takes to win Cobra Kai back,'' Terry says as he gently pushed Miguel to a side telling him to watch and learn.

Terry pulled his black sleeves up to his elbow as he started circling around Daniel while Daniel managed still on his place, slowly turning around following Terry's every move.

''First took care of Chozen, now you. This is where Miyagi Do ends,'' Terry says.

''Miyagi Do existed before any of us, it will be around long after we're gone. The roots are strong till the tree will survive,'' Daniel says getting in his position.

Terry started attacking him angrily as Daniel dodged all his moves, bent down just to stand up suddenly and punch him in the face throwing him on the ground. Miguel looked shocked at Daniel, all worried for his boyfriend who already had blood on his face. Daniel than remembers all tactics that Terry taught him as he used all of that on him. Terry noticed the way Daniel was using his method against him which was really irritated for him. Daniel used crane kick at the end, shoving him to the glass on the wall as Terry bumped in the glass and fell down. Miguel rushed to his boyfriend as Sam runned towards her dad and hugged him. Kenny, just like the others from Cobra Kai went towards Terry and throwed their red gi on him.

''We won!'' Hawk yelled happily as he looked at Miguel with confused expression who helped Terry to get up.

''What are you doing? Why are you helping him?'' Robby asked confused.

''I'm taking him to the police station,'' Miguel lied.

''We'll help you,'' Hawk said as he went towards Miguel to help him but Miguel stopped him.

''No need. I'll do it myself,'' Miguel said.

''What if he attack you?'' Robby asked worried, looking at Terry with angry expression.

''He won't. He's injured so I have advantage. I'll come later,'' Miguel said as he went out of the dojo.

''Are you sure about this?'' Hawk asked worried.

''Yes, just please...don't tell anyone about this,'' Miguel said as Hawk nodded.

After few minutes police arrived as they went towards Daniel and Amanda who were hugging each other.

''Good night sir, may we knew where's mister Silver?'' Cop asked as Daniel nodded.

''Yes, he's right here---'' Daniel turned around just to see no one as he looked shocked around trying to find him.

''What?? Where did he go? He was lying down there I swear to god,'' he added as he rubbed his forehead not believing it.

''He runned away after our sensei defeated him in that dojo,'' Tory admitted as cops looked at her.

''Okay, thank you. If you find him or see him anywhere, please call us on this number,'' cop said as he gave one card to Daniel as he nodded.

Terry Silver x Miguel Diaz [One Shots] > Cobra Kai ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now