Part 16: Fight with Hyan-woo

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In the bustling atmosphere of the Cobra Kai dojo, Hyan-woo, a fellow sensei, had issued a challenge to Miguel. Miguel hesitated momentarily, but he didn't want others to think that he's weak. However, his warrior spirit and the call of the fight couldn't be denied for long. Relinquishing his initial reservations, Miguel accepted the challenge, steeling himself for the imminent clash. Their bodies tensed, ready to engage in combat. Terry, observing from the sidelines, watched Miguel intently, a mix of pride and concern in his eyes.

The fight commenced with a flurry of strikes and evasive maneuvers. Hyan-woo, displaying a fierce and relentless fighting style, seized an opportunity to grab Miguel from behind, swiftly throwing him to the ground. Miguel, determined and resilient, didn't yield. He gathered his strength, rising to his feet, prepared to face his opponent head-on.

As they circled each other, the energy in the room crackled with intensity. Terry's gaze remained fixed on Miguel, his admiration for his student's martial prowess mingling with the need to ensure his well-being. However, Hyan-woo's relentless assault continued, leaving Miguel little opportunity to recover or catch his breath. The fight became a test of endurance and willpower, as Hyan-woo pushed Miguel to his limits. Terry's keen eyes didn't miss a beat, noticing the toll it was taking on his student. Recognizing the need to intervene, Terry stepped forward, his commanding presence demanding attention.

"Hyan-woo, ease up on the students. Remember the principles we uphold here. It's about growth, not pure dominance,'' Terry halted the fight, his voice firm yet laced with a warning.

Hyan-woo, his aggression momentarily curtailed, nodded reluctantly. The message was received, and he begrudgingly acknowledged the wisdom in Terry's words. The fight had served its purpose, and it was time to redirect their focus towards learning and improvement. As the tension in the dojo eased, Terry's gaze shifted back to Miguel, a mixture of pride and concern etched on his face. Miguel, though weary from the intense battle, met Terry's gaze with determination. It was in moments like these that the true strength of their bond as teacher and student shone through. Together, they understood the importance of balance and the value of both challenge and guidance.

With Terry's watchful eye and Miguel's unwavering spirit, they were ready to face any obstacle that lay ahead, knowing that their connection would propel them to greater heights. Terry didn't let anyone, from students to sensei's hurt Miguel but he wouldn't stop either of them if he knew that Miguel can continue the fight. And in this case, he had to stop Hyan-woo since he doesn't want anything bad to happen to his baby.

Terry Silver x Miguel Diaz [One Shots] > Cobra Kai ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now