Part 15: Fighting thieves

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In the quiet stillness of Terry's mansion, Miguel and Terry were peacefully sleeping, their bodies nestled together in the safety of each other's embrace. The tranquility of the night was shattered when the sound of shattering glass and crashing objects echoed through the halls, jolting them awake. Miguel's eyes shot open, his body tensing as he registered the intruder's presence. Terry, sensing Miguel's unease, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, urging him to stay calm.

"Be careful, someone's in the house," Terry whispered, his voice laced with concern.

"Stay close to me and show them what you got,'' he added.

With a determined nod, Miguel mirrored Terry's resolve, understanding the underlying love and worry in his words. Together, they rose from the bed, their body language poised and ready for whatever awaited them. As they cautiously made their way through the dimly lit hallways, the tension hung heavy in the air. Miguel's senses heightened, his focus laser-sharp, while Terry's predatory instincts kicked in, fueled by a mixture of adrenaline and protective instincts.

Suddenly, Miguel's instincts alerted him to a presence behind him. Reacting swiftly, he spun around, his elbow connecting with the intruder's face. The thief staggered backward, momentarily stunned by Miguel's unexpected strike. Terry, who had been a few steps ahead, turned upon hearing the commotion. His eyes locked onto the defeated thief, a mixture of surprise and admiration evident in his gaze.

"Nicely done, Miguel," he praised, Terry voice tinged with pride.

However, their respite was short-lived as another intruder lunged at Miguel from behind. Terry's instincts kicked into overdrive, his body moving with lightning speed as he engaged the first thief, leaving Miguel to rest a little. Than another one attacked Miguel from behind as he grabbed his shoulders and slammed him on the wall. Miguel fought back as he kicked him in the stomach with his elbow and throwed himon the floor.  Terry observed from the corner of his eye, a mixture of awe and satisfaction crossing his face.

As the last remaining thief attempted a desperate attack, Miguel and Terry synchronized their movements, their bodies moving in harmony as they swiftly disarmed and neutralized the threat. The intruder lay defeated at their feet, shock etched across his face. Terry smirked, a silent acknowledgment of the strength and resilience they both possessed. Their bond, forged in training and love, had proven itself in the face of danger. Breathing heavily, Miguel and Terry stood side by side, their bodies emanating a sense of strength and unity. In that moment, they knew that together, they were an unstoppable force, capable of overcoming any challenge that came their way.

''Guards! Throw them out!'' Terry yelled as guard went towards them.

''We're sorry boss we didn't--''

''Just, throw them out,'' Terry said as they nodded.

''I'm so proud of you, Miguel,'' Terry said as he turned back to Miguel.

''Thank you, that was tense,'' Miguel said as Terry chuckled.

''Well, we managed to take them down, didn't we?'' Terry said with smirk as Miguel looked at him shyly.

Terry Silver x Miguel Diaz [One Shots] > Cobra Kai ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now