Part 10: Burned hand

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Since Miguel wanted to cook something for his boyfriend, he decides that he'll really try to cook. It didn't go that well. He winced in pain as he gingerly held his burned hand under the cool stream of water in the bathroom sink. His teeth clenched together, the sting of the burn a sharp reminder of his culinary mishap. He had tried to impress Terry by cooking, but it had resulted in an accidental burn that left him regretting his ambitious endeavor.

Later that evening, Terry returned home to his grand mansion, greeted by Miguel's presence. As they exchanged greetings, Terry couldn't help but notice Miguel favoring his left hand, even though he knew Miguel to be right-handed. Curiosity flickered in Terry's eyes as he observed Miguel's body language, sensing that something was amiss. Settling down in the living room, they found themselves engrossed in a television show. Terry, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, broke the silence.

"Baby, what happened to your hand?" His tone was a mix of genuine concern and curiosity, his gaze fixed on Miguel's injured hand.

Miguel hesitated, his mind filled with apprehension. He had feared Terry's judgment, afraid that he would be labeled as clumsy or foolish for his failed cooking attempt. However, the trust that had grown between them compelled him to be honest. Taking a deep breath, Miguel mustered the courage to admit the truth.

''It's nothing, you don't have to worry,'' Miguel said as he continue looking at the screen.

He felt bad for lying to Terry but he realized the way Terry was looking at him which was showing unsureness and worriness.

"I'm sorry, I--I burned it while trying to cook something for you," Miguel confessed, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

He averted his gaze, uncertain of how Terry would react to his admission. Terry's expression softened, his concern evident. Without hesitation, he reached out, gently cradling Miguel's injured hand in his own.

"Miguel, you don't have to lie to me, I'm not angry. Please show me your hand," Terry reassured him, his voice laced with warmth and sincerity.

Miguel showed him his hand as Terry grabbed it gently and kissed it.

"You took a risk to do something kind for me. That means more to me than anything. Are you okay? Does it still hurt?'' He added.

Miguel smiled shyly loving the way Terry was showing his careness.

''It still hurts but less than it was before,'' Miguel said, as Terry tended to Miguel's burn, carefully applying soothing ointment, their bond grew stronger.

''You can tell me everything, baby. You must know that you're the most important person in my life,'' Terry said as he kissed his cheek.

In that tender moment, Terry's actions spoke volumes, assuring Miguel that he was cherished and valued above all else. The realization washed over Miguel, filling him with a sense of warmth and security. In Terry's mansion, amidst vulnerability and care, their connection deepened, becoming an anchor in each other's lives. As the evening continued, Terry's words echoed in Miguel's heart, reaffirming that he was indeed the most important person in Terry's life.

Terry Silver x Miguel Diaz [One Shots] > Cobra Kai ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now