6. Cowboy Style

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Published: June 16, 2023
Edited: April 28, 2024

A/n: my jaw dropped reading this like who let me write this, anyways enjoy the smut ??

After the whole fiasco at the Halloween party the group decided to head to Sams apartment and chill out. Later on Chad and Ethan had agreed that it was time to head back, they hugged their friends goodnight walked into the night to their dorm.

As soon as they walked inside their dorm Ethan slammed the door shut and pushed Chad against it.

"Hi" Chad had a grin on his face, he smelled of Alcohol and Cologne.

"You sneaky little piece of shit you knew what you were doing tonight" Ethan pinned chads hands above his head.

"I have no clue what you're talking about" he shrugged. "You teased me the entire time at the party, Chad"

Chad had a thinking expression on his face "Oh really? can't remember"

"Fine, I'll make you remember" he whispered in his ear which made Chad shiver. Ethan pressed himself against his lover making their dicks press against each other and it was clear that Ethan was already hard.

"I had to use a pillow to cover the fucking hard on you gave me, I had to pretend that you whispering in my ear wasn't getting me hot and bothered and I had to resist myself to demand you to fuck me right there on the dance floor" He kissed down chads neck.

"It didn't help that our friends suggested we stay at their place for another 2 hours" Ethan went lower down his neck, bitting and sucking.

"I could fuck you right now" Chad suggested as he let out breathy moans. he wanted to pull Ethan's hair and bring him closer if possible but his hands were restrained.

"you could, and you will" Ethan took off Chads jacket and thank god Chad resorts to never wearing a shirt because Ethan did not feel taking off layers of clothing right now.

Chad suddenly remembered that he was stronger than Ethan by a great amount so he spun them around trapping Ethan.

"It would be my pleasure" They finally crashed their lips together in a heated kiss. it was hot and hungry. Chads hands moved up and down on Ethan's side and tugged on Ethan's shirt indicating to him to take it off before Chad rips it off. Thankfully Ethan had taken off his cardboard costume at their Sams apartment.

Once they finally undressed themselves they leave their clothes on the floor and stumble to Chads bed, still kissing and holding each other.

"Remember, this is our secret, our friends can't know." Chad hadn't expected to fall in love with a guy and especially his best friend. But when Ethan kissed him one night, he couldn't leave chads mind.

He thought it would be easy to come out to his friends because they'd obviously accept him considering his sister is gay but the thing with Chad was that he wasn't ready to come out to himself. He didn't even know what to identify himself as, Gay? bisexual? Pansexual?.

"Yes don't worry, now can we please get on with it?" Chad nodded pushing Ethan on the bed and hovering over him.

"Jesus Chad take off the stupid cowboy hat" Ethan chuckled wrapping both his arms around his neck and kissing him lovingly.

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