Finding Calloway

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The moon crew looked at each other, "maybe they are harmless" Meena says.

Then the brothers nodded in agreement, "yeah, that's right" Mario says.

"Where she did you guys come from" Rosita asked.

Mario gets up, "we got sucked from a pipe and ended up here...look we don't want any trouble, we just wanna find a way back home without raising any suspicion, we already be spotted, we just need a disguise"

Everyone looked at each other to see they that they were just like them and only wanted to go back home.

"Sure, we'll help you guys" buster says, this caused the boys to smile in relived that someone would help them.

"Thank you, thank you so much" Mario says.

"It's best you guys should stay low for awhile" buster suggested.

"But first things first, you guys need some disguise so no would freak out" ash says.

Then rosita gets an idea, "I'm on it" she did a bit of sewing and stitching.

She made raccoon costume for the boys, they already got dressed.

"Thanks" Mario says.

"You guys should stay put here for a while till the coast is clear" buster says, "we'll help you guys"

The next morning, the whole cast and crew gathered around Buster in the gigantic auditorium theater.

"Good morning!" he said brightly. "On behalf of myself and the cast, I just want to say that to be given this incredible opportunity to work with you all here at the Crystal Tower Theater is an honor for us. I believe that together we can make a show that'll take the audience out of this world!"

He whipped the cloth off a model of the show's futuristic set. Impressed, everyone oohed and aahed.

"A big thanks to Steve for staying up all night to make this model," Buster said, gesturing toward an exhausted bloodhound.

"Great work, Steve!"

Buster opened the model up for everyone to see. He took a small figure out of a spaceship and let it dangle on a wire.

"And here's the star of our show . . . Rosita!"

"Ha, ha!" Gunter laughed joyfully. "That's you, baby!"

Rosita was shocked. "The lead role?"

"Trust me." Buster said, smiling. "You are perfect for it."

Laughing and clapping, the cast members hugged Rosita, thrilled for her.

"Wait until my kids hear!" Rosita said, wiping away a happy tear.

"So," Buster said when they'd finished congratulating her, "the story goes like this.

Rosita plays an astronaut searching for a missing space explorer. Along with her trusty robot-"

"Dat's me!" Gunter said proudly.

"they follow the trail across four planets, Buster continued. "There's a planet of war, a planet of love, one of despair, and one of joy. Each planet will have its own spectacular musical number performed by one of our terrific cast members."

The New Moon Theater players chattered excitedly.

The show sounded wonderful!

"And how does it end?" Rosita asked. "Do I find the explorer?"

"Oh, we have no idea what we're going to do at the end," Gunter admitted frankly. Hearing this, the crew members murmured with concern.

How were they supposed to put a show up in three weeks if the creators didn't even know how it ended?

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