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Both brothers looked at the strange new world, Mario was amazed while Luigi was panicking about them getting back home.

"Mario?" Luigi grabbed his shoulders

"I don't know Luigi?"

"What are we gonna do Mario? What are we gonna do? How are we gonna get back home?"

Then Mario grabs Luigi and calms him down.

"Luigi relaxed, everything is going to be we just need to find a way back home, first we need to find a disguise"

"Why? What for?"

"Luigi? We're humans in a animal world, if anyone sees us, who knows what they'll do to us"

"Oh right right right"

"We just need to find a disguise, find some one who can help us, then we'll find a way back home and all of this will be over"

"Ok, ok"

But when they look around to find a disguise, they didn't know that they were next to a goodwill like thrift store donation, looking behind to the back of the store was  two rhinos dropping off two boxes of donated clothes.

"And I just know how"

Inside, they found their way to a receptionist sitting behind a long desk in a vast, modern lobby, Buster asked to see Mr. Crystal.

"No," the receptionist said coolly.

"No?" Buster said, confused. "What do you mean, 'no?"

"No appointment, no entry," she explained.

Buster just stood there, trying to think of the perfect thing to say that would get them in for an audition with the legendary mogul.

"Sir," the receptionist said when she saw he wasn't leaving, "do I need to call security?"

Rosita tugged Buster's arm. "We should go."

"Yes, you should," the receptionist agreed.

The cast members slunk away, defeated.

"Aw, man, Johnny said.

"Oh, I don't like ziss," Gunter said.

But Buster was listening to the receptionist talk to an orangutan who had approached che desk as they walkod away.

"Hi, how may I help you?" the receptionist asked the ape politely.

"I'm here to see Mr. Crystal for the presentation," the orangutan answered. "I've got an appointment."

The receptionist checked a list and nodded.

"Take the elevators to the one-hundred and eighty-seventh foor."

Now Buster knew which floor the auditions were on.

"Zis is so unfair," Gunter continued. "She's, like, totally unfair, zat lady."

"I mean, why's she gotta be so snooty about it?"
Ash asked.

"I got all dressed up for nothing," Miss Crawly complained.

"Let's just find somewhere for lunch and hang out." Johnny suggested.

But suddenly, Buster pushed everybody through a door labeled MAINTENANCE

"Everyone in here!" he hissed. Quick! Get in!"
The receptionist peered down the long lobby to


"Oh, come on"

"So dark in here"

"What's going on?"

Mario and Luigi in SING 2Where stories live. Discover now