Arrests Made

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Charges were made against Kate, Enid and Eamon Kavanagh and then the people on the lists of people who helped them. Talk about big news splash and paparazzi. We left town just after the charges against everyone involved were levied. Christian was their victim in all of this. The prenuptial agreement was something that will be brought in if needed. Christian convinced Ray Steele to sign the contract to go on retainer. I think he wants to prevent this from happening again to him or anyone.

The bail hearings were held and the judge decided to set up bail for a high amount because he felt these three were an escape risk and they might come after all their victims and the witnesses against them. The prenuptial agreement was allowed into court to sho the extent of extortion and coercion along with blackmail. They realized the extent the Kavanagh went to bankrupt me and my company and put over one hundred thousand people out of work for their own selfish goals. They wanted my billions and concocted a way to get them. The only thing wrong with their plan is that they were arrogant enough to think that they were safe against having their lies unraveled.

I am so happy that Christian is free of that evil trio. So many people are thrilled about this wedding not going through. We celebrated our own way. Went out and found some company. I took mine home, but he was still not ready to deal with taking anyone near his home again. We had a good time though. We went our separate ways and he said goodnight to the other young lady and had her drive to her home and he was drove to his home. Her friend told me that and she thinks my brother is rude. I told her he just got burnt by a woman who tried to force him into marrying her. We then got into a long discussion about that. Soon we decided to enjoy each other's company for a while. 

I am so glad that those three are behind bars. The others are collateral damage. I never liked Kate and I had good reasons. How they integrated themselves into Christians life was done by steps and they knew the steps to take to do it. The Steele family did the job quickly and cleanly and saved my son from the Kavanagh clutches. I am starting to wonder if that is how they got their newspaper company. They are investigating that at this stage, well the team that uncovered their lies and blackmailing are. Evidence of other lies and blackmail were discovered by the Steele's and they are trying to unravel those.

I am so thankful that we are not related to the Kavanagh family by marriage. I was in the meeting with the Steele's when they explained everything to us about how they were able to uncover the lies and blackmail material to get people to set my brother up and trap him into marrying Kate. All but Ethan were involved in the plot. Well we think that, but who knows for sure. Things like this blows one's trust to smithereens. It has mine. I am looking forward to less drama in our lives. Plus being able to live without hearing about wedding this and that out of those harridans mouths is great.  It's not like we can forget about this part of our lives and how it happened and why it happened.

If there is one thing I know for sure is that people like these people will try to take from other victims even from prison. So the warden has been made aware of this and is making sure they can't. Ethan has visited each of them once and refused to do anything for them. For some reasons they put everything in places where they could be found easily. Plus one of their own family members helped put them behind bars. All of us worked hard on getting things done before that wedding. The prenuptial agreement was considered evidence in their trials. The witnesses grew increasingly against the three. Ethan Kavanagh moved his psychiatric office to another state. He was able to sell off all his possessions and he sold all his family's possessions to cover their legal bills. Then he left town for good, only letting the government know where he was going. The Kavanagh Media Group was given back to the original owners, well their offspring and their children.

We worked on trying to find the owners or their families who originally owned the Kavanagh Media Group. The Washington family were the original owners. It took digging and we found it.

Mom had me running to search in dusty files and I found a lot more than I thought I would. I brought her things she had no idea even from what we already had.

I am doing the computer work on all this and I can't see any issues with their systems. Barney is clearly an IT genius. So nothing wrong in the GEH computer systems. Of course I was only allowed certain accesses to them. Barney told me that none of the Kavanagh members had access to anything on their systems. They had escorts into the residence, no codes were ever given to them. They created the documents that looked like SEC violations on GEH's behalf and they looked legitimate thanks to help from numerous others. Christian Grey's signatures were faked. When looked at closely they could have been declared fake, but by that time the damage to Christian Greys reputation and company would have been done. Along with everyone losing their jobs. The company would have been destroyed so he either married Kate Kavanagh or lose his company and his reputation. So he chose to burn in hell with Kate Kavanagh being the devil. I have to give him credit for choosing to save his company and reputation and all his employees jobs.

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