Four Names

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Christian is being a typical man and demanding his last name on the boys names. I feel it would make them a target, but he says no more than they would be if they were Steele's and people knew he was their father anyway. At this point the problem are the newspapers are sniffing around about his visiting the hospital. I am seven months along and have all kinds of monitors on me. They are ready to deliver any time. I feel so huge. I am listening to everyone and I am so confused and tired. Christian and dad are talking it through and the attorneys are getting involved with it now. At this point I just want my sons born healthy and nothing wrong with them. So far everything is good, they might deliver them early. They are giving me something to help their lungs develop in case they come early. Apparently they are waiting to see how they are doing. Plus they are watching me closely as well. I can't believe all those years ago and the lies that high school students tell. The lies that put me in danger of dying from the vicious attacks on me. The attack that caused all the damage to my ovaries and fallopian tubes. The lie was that I was pregnant with one of the cheerleaders boyfriends baby. Apparently cysts can sometimes seem like a pregnancy and I had one that caused all the symptoms. So I was punched over and over again in my female areas and kicking with heels then stomping and left bleeding. They made sure I was bleeding from my lady parts before they left me alone. They were given ten years each. Six of them. Dad has made sure they knew that I wasn't pregnant because I was still a virgin. Of course that was brought into the trial. It took time to heal from their beatings.

I got the call and Anastasia is going to be induced and I want to be there for her and our sons. Mom is going to be there as well and let us know what's going on. Anastasia finally agreed to the name and moving in with me. Jason has gotten staff ready to assure the babies are safe and security is already watching over Anastasia. A few press got into the hospital trying to find out what was going on with my going there. It's being kept quiet about the quadruplets being born soon and now they are arriving we are asking that their births are kept quiet. I am allowed to be in the room when the babies arrive and then security will escort them to the NICU. Of course her room is close to the NICU already. As I hear each boys cries and how tiny they are I think I should have waited outside the room. It was good that I was in here because Anastasia lost consciousness and had to be taken to the operating room. All four babies were safely in the NICU. All breathing  and headed to getting checked out in the NICU. I can't go with Anastasia so I choose our sons. Mom is following me to the NICU and she is going to see if the boys are all right. They need to be on oxygen and get up to a better weight, but so far so good. Security is keeping others that can't prove they have babies here can't be allowed in. Bands are given with matching numbers in bar codes. Mine and Anastasia's have four different bar codes on them. A list of names for the boys has already been made. Christian jr. , Charles Raymond, Cameron Elliott, and Collin David with Steele Grey as their last names. Anastasia had to have a total hysterectomy because of the previous damage done to her. The doctors explained it but I was had four little ones to think about. Mom told me that everyone is fine considering they were so tiny.

I can't remember much at all once I woke up, I know I felt pain and my hands were strapped down and they removed a ventilator. Apparently I was fighting the caregiver. They released my hands and I wanted to see my babies. Mom had videos of the boys and she said they were on oxygen and in the NICU they are tiny. They need to gain weight, but they are otherwise healthy so far.
Finally they are brought into my suite after they were taken to the regular nursery to get circumcised. They put on the weight they lost after they were born. I got to hold them with help. They are so tiny and I am very happy to have them. Christian is with us in the pictures. Both families insisted on it.

We finally make it to Christian's house and the babies cribs are beautiful and have their names on them. I meet the caregivers and Gail and Jason Taylor. Gail is the Grey House Residential manager of all Christians homes. So she was the boss over all the domestic staff including the caregivers. Jason is the head of all security for GEH. I think I met Jason once.

They did everything I asked them to do for the nurseries and they made sure Anastasia had a huge bedroom next to our babies. I made sure they were all settled and that Anastasia was resting and the babies were fed, changed and put down for their naps. Of course both families were here as well. This is going to be a regular event no doubt. Dad and I worked on my will since I have four sons. Mom said it was a miracle that all four were healthy, but they were medical miracles just by existing. They are the only babies Anastasia will ever have, she was lucky to have them at all. We are truly lucky that they are still alive and healthy, but Anastasia made sure to do as her doctors asked her to do so they would survive.

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