The New Grey

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The baby decided to take the moment they brought out the cakes to decide to make it's appearance. Mom and Aaron went into action and they delivered our twins in thirty minutes and they are born on the boy's birthday. We are headed to the hospital now and my mom and Aaron are coming with us. Security is following. Finally dad says something to me and I look closely at the photos of Kate and Hailey and he is right they do resemble each other. Now I know why they were looking at her so strangely. He wants to run a DNA test to determine if she's related to the Kavanagh family. I get him the DNA sample and he also wants to test the twins to see if they are my children. So I give him my DNA sample and he sends everything off for the testing.

Carrick went to talk to Elliott about the resemblance and to show him the photos of them side by side. We know that Kate was older and now dead. They made sure that the bodies were the Kavanagh family by running DNA testing on them and they matched Ethan's. I get the babies DNA and run them all at once. There is also DNA reports on Kate and her parents that I can gain access to if needed. So we soon hear the names of the twins and they are Stephanie Jean London Grey and Edward Elliott London Grey.

Well she might resemble Kate, but she's not related to the Kavanagh family by any means. The twins are definitely Elliott's. He got his home ready for her and the twins. I am really glad to discover that she isn't related to the Kavanagh family at all.

By this time I know that Elliott's parents have tested the twins DNA and they know they are Elliott's children. I would test DNA as well to assure they are my sons children. Melissa arrives with gifts for the twins and they tell us that they are getting married soon. The babies look like both Elliott and myself. Aaron and Mia have arrived and brought gifts for the babies. I still don't understand why everyone at the party was looking at me strangely though. Elliott just told me it was because he didn't tell anybody about the pregnancy. The man's lying, there's more to the story and he doesn't want to tell me.

The house is getting full of family including my nephews and they are checking out the babies. They want a baby as well. Anastasia can't have anymore babies, the boys were miracles. The boys don't need to know things like this at two years old. They are looking at their cousins and we get photos of them together and soon we get a family photo and photos of everyone in the family. It soon becomes time for them to let us be alone. Hailey is exhausted from nursing the twins. I hired help with Gail's assistance and they are making sure everything is taken care of.

I stopped by with Grace and she checked the twins out. She asked Hailey how she was feeling. We got photos of the babies and the whole family together and we left with everyone else. Jason and Gail helped get staff for Elliott to ensure his family's comfort and safety. Security, nannies, mannies and housekeepers. All experienced and vetted. Elliott has asked me to add the twins to his will and I agreed to it and he and I will sit down to discuss it further. He gave me the list of things he wants done and I pocket it.

Hailey was very tired from being up every few hours to feed the twins. So we decided to leave after the photos were taken. The quads want their own baby.  I saw a sad look in Anastasia's eyes when they said that. It was in everyone's eyes and I didn't ask about it because it seemed like a painful situation. Adam and I are still waiting to tell his family we are getting married. He said he wants to tell them soon, but to be prepared to give them a date. I can't figure a good date out.

I think it's time to tell my family about getting married to Melissa. Not sure what kind of wedding she wants yet. Her parents are dead and Hailey has just had her twins so we will need to wait for her to be able to be involved in the wedding. We might walk together down the aisle. We need to decide what kind of wedding we want. Dad and mom catch us before we get in our car and ask us if we are engaged?

Ray and I saw the engagement ring and hoped they would tell us about it and we decided to finally ask them if they are engaged. They both say yes at the same time. We congratulate them and hope they will let us help with the wedding. Adam knows we mean it, but she has a look of doubt in her eyes. Sometimes you see things that aren't there.

Adam knows that he has our full support in anything he does as long as it is legal and for the better good for himself. I hope this young lady will make him happy. We know enough about Melissa that she loves Adam and wants the best for him. I would like to see Anastasia get married and adopt a daughter or two.

Anastasia has been quiet since we left Elliott's house and I think it is about the boys wanting a baby. I know that she would love to have a daughter, but she can't give birth any longer. We get the boys settled and she heads to her bedroom. I follow her because I saw the tears in her eyes as she kissed the last boy goodnight.

I just couldn't help being upset about my boys wanting a baby brother or sister. I finally kiss my sons goodnight and I leave the room before I really cry. I open my door and I feel Christian behind me, he follows me inside and shuts the door and holds me in his arms and tells me to let it out. He moves me to my bed and finds the tissues and then pulls me into his arms and kisses my head. He leans down and kisses my lips. It's been over two years since we had sex the last time. I still remember his kisses and everything else. Is this what I need right now? I'm vulnerable yet again. But this time I can't have a miracle baby. Soon our kisses become deeper and we should stop, but we don't.

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