Anderson Burial

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The attorney for the estate pretty much said that Collin wanted buried in the same cemetery that his daughters new parents family are buried so he could be close to them. We agreed to do just that. After all he chose us to be their grandparents and Anastasia and Christian to be their new parents. So we attended the funeral and the girls went to say goodbye along with their new brothers. The funeral was already paid for by the estate and the estate attorney read the will and we had no idea how wealthy the man was. Things started coming out about Hailey after the funeral. She never really let people close to her at all. Even Elliott said she was standoffish at all times and she would look over her shoulder all the time. She refused to talk to him or anyone about it. We still think there's more to the story than just Collin and there might be more children out there. Melissa is nothing like her. She's an open book.

Melissa is sad, but she's not happy with Haileys behaviors at all. At least the girls and the twins have great homes now. Elliott has thrown himself into raising his twins and working hard to build his business. Melissa and I have decided to wait on having children for now. Not much pressure after six grandchildren under five years of age. My parents are thrilled. We are busy with our original Steele company and now with Anastasia's companies. She's pretty busy with the six children. We get paid extremely well to oversee her companies. I know that Melissa feels awkward because of everything with Hailey. My dad had a private chat with her and she came out with an odd look on her face, but she told me that my dad would talk to me after he gets some more information.

Ray Steele told me that he believes that my sister had plastic surgery more than once. He discovered things and he needs to follow up on the information that he found. I know of the one she had before we arrived in Seattle, I figured it was a vanity thing. He asked me a few questions about her and I realized she had lied about things. Some very important things. He asked about our parents deaths. I give him some information about it and he looks puzzled. I hand him the attorneys number and he says he will tell me why he is checking things out later. He doesn't want to tell me until he has facts.

Things don't add up and I am starting to look into other things that are strange.

I am laying beside Anastasia when Jason informs me that a policeman has arrived and needs to speak to me. I let Anastasia stay in bed and throw clothing and shoes on. We head into the living room where two policemen are standing there. I invite them to sit down and offer them something to drink and they decline.

Policeman 1
I look around at the house and it's kid friendly. I ask Mr Grey when was the last time he saw his wife?

I just left her upstairs in bed, why? I send the staff to go wake mrs Grey and ask her to put clothing on that the police need to see her. Can I ask what this is about?

Policeman 2
I pull out photos of who looks like Mrs Anastasia Grey and the ID, Passport, birth certificate and death certificate. It matches her files we found on her. I see him look shocked to see everything that we have. Suddenly I look up and there is Anastasia Grey standing there and we stand up and she introduces herself to us. This is very confusing to us. The body is in the morgue in New York.

You can see my wife is very much alive. She can prove she is who she says she is by DNA testing, her children and her family can have their DNA test done. We should find out who the body truly is. Can we get DNA from the body? I think mom and dad should be here for this conversation. Plus your family as well.

I call mom and dad and tell them to come over as fast as they can. Christian has his dad and mom on the phone and tell them it's urgent.

We see police cars and get scared, but it seems calm enough when we enter the living room. The children are playing as Ray and Carla arrive.
Christian hands the folder to his father and he looks at Anastasia and then the folder and he hands the folder to me. I look at the folder and up at Anastasia and I ask her if she is willing to get a DNA test done to prove she is Anastasia Grey?

Of course, but I want to know who that is. I suspect I know who it might be. Just call it a hunch. Hailey London possibly?

Are you sure or are you guessing?

A wild guess since she showed up looking like Kate Kavanagh. Wonder why she changed her face into mine? It's the only thing I can think about.

Let's get the DNA tested and verify that we have the real Anastasia. They swab inside our cheeks and seal them to get them tested. Then Grace orders the same tests ran by the lab at the hospital.

This is crazy, we are going to get testing done on the body in New York as well. Ray and I fly out to check the body. This is just strange, but Hailey was strange to begin with.

I have the jet ready and they head to New York and soon they have the DNA test done and it isn't their child. It took a few days. We decide to work on Anastasia's theory and sent DNA samples of Haileys children and it is Hailey, but she has three different names that we found. She has a rap sheet and we start digging further. We now know the ashes weren't the Hailey that we knew.

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