Fateful Night

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Sometimes things happen for a reason. A reason for things that bring people together. Tonight was one of those nights. What is bringing it all together it is the day I lost my husband and son. It is another rainy day in Seattle and I am meeting Elliott and the twins for dinner at a favorite spot for families. I am waiting for them to arrive when I get another one of those calls. I run to my car and get inside it and head to the same place I went on that same night. I arrive at the ER and I can't get any information on Elliott or the twins. I try to call his family, but they aren't answering their phones. I look around and then I see the Greys arriving. I join them to find out what is going on with Elliott and the twins. As we are trying to get them to tell us about Elliott and the twins. He is brought in on a gurney and the twins are on the next two. They are all being rushed into the ER and we can't get near them. Dr Grey is trying to get to them but even she can't get near them. Other gurneys are on their way through and we are asked to find a place to sit until they have the patients out of the areas. .

Elliott and the twins looked unconscious as they came through I tried to follow them but got stopped by the doctor in charge of the ER. He isn't letting me go back with my son and grandchildren. Carrick, Gia, Christian, Ana, and Mia have arrived. Aaron arrives not long afterward. We are waiting for any news at all.

I hear noises and finally am awake again and I feel like hell. I hear a voice and try to turn my head towards it. It's Gia and she's trying to tell me something. I can't tell what it is. The darkness surrounds me again.

I am allowed to see Elliott and the twins after they finally are stable. All three have concussions and broken arms. They are watching all three of them very closely. Grace says they should make a full recovery but will need some help getting around and doing things for themselves.

I watch as Mia and her family are finally able to relax after the ct scan. Mia had to leave a huge even to be here for Elliott and the twins. I need to get a nap so I find a bed to sleep in. I need to be here for a delivery of triplets in the next couple of days. Mia and I have decided to wait on having our own family. We might adopt first.

Stephanie and Edward are both asleep after they had their arms placed in a cast. They look so tiny and frail. It's been three days and everyone's been coming and going to assure Elliott, Stephanie and Edward are okay. Gia has been here a lot and she goes home to change and shower and brought her laptop with her. Mom and dad have made sure she is allowed to see the three of them. I have seen her crying over them.

We come by to see Elliott, Stephanie and Edward daily. Gia has been here every time we arrive to visit. I think she and Elliott are more than they appear to be. Elliott deserves to have someone like her to be by his side. She's good with the twins and they really like her.

Gia has been here everyday and visited Elliott and the twins. They finally woke from the wreck and all three are cranky and in pain. The investigators have been trying to get a statement from Elliott, but he just woke up. Dad is going want to be with him along with his doctors.

Seeing Elliott awake and talking made me cry for joy. So did seeing the twins being awake. I hugged and kissed all three of them. If I could have wheeled Elliott to see the twins I would have. I did a FaceTime call to let them see each other. They are finally leaving tomorrow and it's been over a week because of how badly they were hurt. They wanted to assure they had no internal bleeding.

Things are looking so good the three are going home and I am having them at our home and hiring help to make sure they are don't overdo things. Gia asks if she can help as well. I really can't tell her no after she has been here so often and I think Elliott and the twins would want her to be around. So I agree to let her help out. She was invited to stay in one of the guest rooms at the house. I wasn't the one who invited her. Carrick and Elliott did.

I think Grace might have been upset about Elliott and I inviting Gia to stay in the guest room because I she had a look on her face. But I know it made Elliott and the twins happy. This might be the wife that Elliott deserves. She has been here since the day the three arrived at the hospital. I don't think Grace was aware of that fact.

I get things ready for all four of them and then I have to change the nurses room and put them in another room in the house. They changed my plan's completely when they invited Gia to stay with us. I decided to just explain to the nurse that she will be staying in another room and that she won't be close to her patients as originally planned. Elliott insisted Gia be close by his room. The nurse wasn't thrilled about the situation, but she liked the bedroom she was put in because it was Mia's old bedroom. She left all her furniture there and it's very relaxing in her room.

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