A Real Surprise

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I am ready to give birth and they are worried about my survival because of my size, age and health. They have explained in terms that I understand. I have been getting the best care possible from the staff. I am up to date on my school work. I have been asked about the father of the baby. The advocate knows who it is and has gotten him to give up his rights to the twins. He came by once and I told him to leave. Security had to get him to leave me alone. They got a restraining order against him and moved me to a more secure room with security watching over me.

The delivery was hard and they had to monitor me and the babies every step of the way. They decided to do a c section when it was obvious that the girls weren't arriving normally. Their heartbeats were odd throughout the pregnancy. Soon I wake up and the babies were born and healthy. The odd heartbeat was a third baby. So I need to sign away my rights and so does the father. They get him to sign his rights away easily. He doesn't want to go to prison. That was easy this time. I know who the adoptive parents are and they will make sure they are well cared for.

We are told our twins are triplets. The girls outnumber the boys now. We had to get another nursery ready and supplies for the other baby. We get all the paperwork signed and name the girls Grace Anastasia, Gillian Rose and Gabriella Madison Steele Grey. All three were over four pounds and they were 18 inches long. We get their documents and bracelets and go visit the newest of the Steele Grey family. We might regret the hours of sleep we will be missing, but not the fact we are blessed with three more beautiful babies. We make sure Isobel is okay and that she has everything she needs.

We finally told our other children that they have three new siblings and show them photos of them. They knew we were getting two but we had no idea about the third baby until they were delivered. They thought the odd heartbeats were an anomaly and now they know better. We will just need to adjust to everything. Christian has said that we might not want to adopt babies the next time we adopt. We tried to get our original nannies back, back they were already working with other people. So we found others to help with our newest additions. A couple were unacceptable and I told them just that. They were just trying to meet Christian and we're not dressed to meet me. Their interview consisted of me telling them they had zero chance in hell of being hired by me and getting anywhere near my husband. I told them he doesn't need to look at a menu when he has the restaurant at home. They were too stupid to get it, so I basically told them that I expected them to dress in a uniform that shows no cleavage and is knee length. No makeup around the babies. No high heels, no perfumes and they aren't allowed to speak to Christian unless his security or I am present. They weren't getting hired anyway. We had the same issue when the boys were born, except Gail hired them. No gold digger got by her.

I am in heaven looking at my newest granddaughters and I take videos of them. They are so cute and they sort of look like Christian. I am so glad we talked Christian into adopting them. He was reluctant at first but he changed his mind as he heard the girls story. Carrick told me that nine children are enough for Christian and Anastasia. I chuckle and he looks at me like I am crazy. Anastasia and Christian are very good parents and made everything work with the boys. Then the twins were a good addition. Now they are in school and they are giving the teacher grief about who is who. Everyone is thrilled with the newest babies. Carla, Ray and Adam have been visiting them often.

We went to the welcome to the family dinner at Anastasia and Christian's home they definitely did a great job of the nurseries. Anastasia made good choices for nannies, she ran into the typical gold diggers trying to get hired so they could latch onto Christian. He only has eyes for Anastasia and that will never change. It's like Grace an I, there have been people that try and think they have chances but they are clueless or have a huge ego. They got just what they deserved and there ego's were deflated like a flat tire. I looked into the young moms history and I was a bit concerned about the father of the babies. The adoptions was sealed and they can't be viewed by anyone.

Gia and I have our own news and we are going to tell the family at the welcome to the family party. We are pregnant and the twins found out first. Gia had morning sickness for a week after we had been home from our honeymoon. So she went to her OB/GYN, she hasn't told anyone yet. She is now at the twelve week mark and finally over her morning sickness. It's all day sickness if you ask me.

We are going to tell everyone at the welcome to the family party for me and the triplets. I have to say that Anastasia chose some unusual nannies. She told me the ones that didn't get the jobs were dressed like hookers. I laughed and she basically told them they weren't getting anywhere near Christian after being asked if he was who would be hiring them. We both laughed at that comment. She basically had them escorted from the premises.

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