Three Months Later

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Anna James
I check in to get my tubes tied and then I can't have anymore children. I'm not cut out to be a mom. I am not cut out to be a wife either. My face is definitely different from the other two faces. I wear clear lens glasses and I frump myself up. Only my doctors know what is under my clothing. I color my hair black and keep it short. I had my birthmark changed. Then I get my new phone number and my new place and checking account. My other IDs are changed. I don't have much time left to get everything accomplished. Death certificates in all my previous names have been issued a doctored report on each of the deaths in different places and dates and times. Each had cremation records and ashes to go with them. A bit of my DNA has been put in the ashes and sent off to next of kin or husbands. I walk out of the hospital and head home.

Danny Smith
Hailey forgot who taught her how to disappear and she made the mistake of using the same plastic surgeon. Disguise or not I recognize the walk and she can't hide certain things from me. I follow her to her home and then to the hospital. She has no security which means she thinks she's safe. Not from me she isn't. Everyone thinks she's dead and she's going to be dead soon. I know she had her tubes tied, so I am going to introduce bacteria and make it look like she died of complications. I just wait inside her home and the alarm is disabled. She still uses the same stupid date. I am waiting for her in her bedroom and I watch as she undresses and she washes up and falls asleep. I move her cover off and lift the bandages and shoot the bacteria into the sutures and I then leave after covering her sutures and then the blanket and leave through her back window. I don't know how long it will be before she is affected by the bacteria.

We got a call from a female needing immediate assistance at her home, she recently had a procedure done and the site is infected. She gave us her address and she can't move from the bed. We arrive and go through her bedroom window and she is laying on the bed. She has a bluish gray tint we realize that she has died before we could get to her. Her last breaths were used to call us. Miss James had no family or friends. The coroner had to come for her body. It was sad to see such a beautiful woman and what's strange is she looks like Mrs Anastasia Grey. Very strange indeed.

I see the coroners car take her body out and then I am done here and I hope she hasn't caused any others problems. I go home to our house and see her mini me's playing with their grandmother. Hailey Ann and Halley Aubrey Smith. Her parents had no idea the kind of person she really was until she murdered them. She was never suspected of the murders. Poor Melissa had no idea who her sister truly was like.

Carol Smith
Danny is finally at peace about Hailey leaving him and his daughters. I have to give him the box with her ashes in it soon. They arrived today and I signed for them. I hand him the mail and the box. He looks at it and says that he suspected she was dead and left it at that.

I get a box from a funeral home and I don't know why I would get it. I open it up and it says that Hailey was died and was cremated and has her death certificate and cause of death was natural causes. I get a call from Melissa asking me if I got a death certificate for Hailey. I told her that I got the ashes and the death certificate. I call off the search for her. The babies are thriving now and they don't miss her. Collin passed away and left his daughters in the care of Anastasia and Christian. They know that they are siblings to my twins. They enjoy playing with the quads though. Melissa was very upset about her sister leaving like she did and now her being dead has really upset her. I gave her the ashes. Adam and her just went to the courthouse and got married. Their was a reception and a honeymoon. Mia had a miscarriage and now she is pregnant again. This time she is on bed rest. She hired managers to run her businesses. Anastasia has turned over operations of her businesses to her brother and her parents to run.

Collin stayed in our house until he passed away and his daughters hugged and kissed him on his final day. We made sure they had plenty of time with him. They loved playing with their brothers. He decided to turn the girls over to Christian and I to raise. We finally adopted them and it became final the day before he died. His estate is now being sorted out. His attorney and Carrick are going through everything. The girls are now living in our house in rooms next to their brothers.

At first I thought it would be too much for us to adopt the girls but changed my mind and decided to adopt the girls and Collin lived three months and he died knowing that the girls were adopted by a couple who loved them very much. He saw how much we loved our boys. They visited him as well to keep his spirits up and they definitely did that. His daughters were heartbroken and so were we. Hailey should burn in hell after doing this to these children. Adults can manage it but it hurt Elliott badly.

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