Another Mistake?(sex)

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I don't leave this time, I shouldn't have left the first time. I just left and when I went to find her she was gone. I have more at stake this time. I miss her and the boys and want them back where they belong under the roof with me and their mother. We need to tie this knot we started. I think this is the reason we don't get along with other people. We belong together and I think it's time for that to happen. I hug her to me and kiss her everywhere and she responds with kisses and I tell her that I'm not leaving now. We are in her home and I told the staff not to disturb us and to take care of the boys because we had a bad night. I am going to make her realize that I love her very much. I hope she loves me back. If she does I am not taking chances of losing her. We will get married as quickly as I can get it done. Soon I am inside her and we are kissing each other. I ask her if she loves me and she says yes. I tell her that I have loved her since day one. I just got scared and was stupid that night we created our sons.

I feel him start kissing me again and I respond with kisses back. I am happy he didn't leave this time. He starts kissing me everywhere and asks me if I love him, I say yes and he tells me he loved me at first sight. He got scared the night we created our boys and made a stupid mistake by leaving me alone without saying a word, he came back that evening to talk but I had ran away. He tells me that we should tie this knot and get married and we can adopt or find a surrogate to use their eggs and his sperm and have a daughter or two, whatever I want. He holds me as he slides inside me and says say yes to marrying me. I say yes and we start kissing and moving as one and my first orgasm hits and two more before he comes inside me. We both spend the day together in bed. He made arrangements for the boys to be watched for the day. We are playing hooky from the outside world. Food and drinks are brought to us and we eat and watch movies and enjoy each others bodies.

We discuss the wedding and what we want, I want a quick wedding with just families invited. She agrees with me and we decide to call our families after we get the marriage license. A minister will be needed to perform the wedding we can have the wedding in either of the homes grounds. Apparently Adam is engaged to Melissa and they finally told her parents. I missed the engagement ring because Hailey looked so much like Kate. Then she went into labor on our son's birthday party. Now six of my parents grandchildren have the same birthday just two years difference. We know she isn't related to the Kavanagh family and the twins are Elliott's. I wonder if they are going to get married.

Christian orders our rings and my engagement ring for our marriage. He asked dad for his blessings and apparently dad asked him why he waited so long? We are getting married in two weeks time and we are moving into his home and using the other house for guests and staff. Although I like both houses. They will stay connected for other reasons. Plus the boys rooms will stay the same. Dad will walk me down the aisle to Christian and give me away of course. Mia wants to create the wedding cake and do the catering. She doesn't have long, but she is good at doing things quickly.

I am walking Anastasia down the aisle to Christian and their boys are waiting there with him all no with the minister. The ceremony is short and sweet and they are married and the bouquet is thrown and the cake is cut and food is served. Carla and Grace are both crying. Carrick and I are thinking it is about time. He never mentioned a prenuptial agreement to anyone in regards to Anastasia marrying Christian and I have an idea why. He didn't want to rock an already shaky boat. Now we need to get Adam and Melissa married. That's going to happen soon as well.

There is one thing I know is that Anastasia could have taken Christian to court for child support but didn't and that is why I didn't mention a prenuptial agreement to anyone at all. Four boys and a judge would definitely give Anastasia quite a nice amount to support her boys and they would need security and help to care for them. A billionaire would get hit hard in court and four young sons need a lot. Plus she barely let him have them and she had asked him to sign his rights away before they were born. I am glad they are married now.

I am very happy to see them finally married to each other and be a family finally. It's past time for this to happen. Now we need to work on getting Adam married to Melissa. I am betting Grace hopes Elliott gets married to Hailey even if she looks like Kate. At least the twins have the Grey name. Just like the boys do.

I hope Elliott gets married soon as well. They don't seem to be interested in getting married and they don't really socialize much anymore since the twins were born. She is still getting used to being a mom. A mom to twins at that, you lose sleep with just one. With twins it's a lot more difficult. She's nursing them too. I hope they get married soon.

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