Love Lost, Love Found

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One miss Lily Johnson sped into my life and sped out just as quickly. There are women who just aren't mother material and she was one of them. The Johnson family really thought that dog could hunt, well hunting wasn't the idea, finding a wealthy man was her plan and unfortunately she wanted nothing to do with children. Buh bye to Lily. The twins need a mother. I want a wife who can be that for them. Stephanie and Edward both didn't want Lily around. Children can sense things adults might miss.

I was buying material for the new house I am going create a up to date family room for them. It's huge and soundproofed. I have been given ideas and I need to find someone who can make the space what I need it to be so that it is solid and safe as well. They want top quality and top technology so I call Grey construction and then an IT guy I know who can create a smart environment. Todd Jenkins is good for IT things and he can work with us on the design of the house as well. I finally get a meeting with Elliott Grey the owner of Grey Design and construction company and we meet with him. I look like a tornado hit my hair as I walk into his office with my plans and the swatches of the material we are using throughout the house. The paint samples as well the equipment is Todd's job. We are seated outside Elliott Grey's office. Suddenly two small people fly inside the room and are followed by two adults trying to catch them. I laugh as they are told to go and play at the corner table and don't forget to put the toys back when they are done playing with them. They are cute and well behaved. Todd asks me if I miss Daniel and my son? Of course I do. Every time I see a child. Emanuel David Matteo was just starting to call me mama and his father dada, I think of that day and I am finally seeing Danny Smith pay for his part in my husband and child being killed. Anyone that got in his way paid the price. He was found guilty of first degree murder of my husband and son. He got life without parole. Too bad Susan wasn't tried along with him.

I open the door and my appointment is here but so are the twins. I ask Mrs Matteo if she could give me ten minutes. She sees the kids run to hug me and just nods okay. I take the twins into my office and they tell me everything they did to me. I hug them and tell them that I will be late tonight but will read to them at bedtime and to pick a book. I kiss and hug them goodbye and to clean the play area up before they leave. We go out to the reception area and they clean up the area and leave. I have Mrs Matteo and mr Jenkins follow me into my office. I have them stretch their plans out on my table and I look at everything she is wanting to have done to the house and I tell her we can do it. We need to get all the things that allow us to do the work she wants us to do.

I show him what they want and Todd shows him what they need to do and how it needs to be and the amount of power he will need along with cables and everything else to create a fluid area. I show him my part of the job and Todd shows him what we are needing to accomplish. He looks everything over and says he can make it work. He told me there might be a few changes because permits are needed for half of the work that I need done.

I watch as they discuss their part and finally we get to my part of the job. He needs to get certain permits to be able to create what we want. We talk the technology and what it will take to create the smart house if that is what we are looking to do at this house. We set a time to get together and discuss the details and the costs of everything. He asks about security updates for the home and if they are needed as well? I looked at Gia.

I think that they are doing that themselves, but I can ask them about it. He hands me a card and tells me that he can get a crew out there to check it out if they need the security updates and upgrades. He can get someone who knows how to make the place very secure. I tell him that I will talk to the family and get back to him. We leave and he says he can look things over and let us know the costs tomorrow. I give him my number and Todd gives him his number.

I walk them out and see them out the door and I can't stop looking at Gia as she walks to her car. I know her from someplace. I can't remember where. Then it hits me, she testified against Danny Smith and he is in prison for life. Her husband and son were killed by Danny and Susan. It was hard to hear the details of what happened to them. They had them dead to rights. She was one of many who testified against the guy.

I recall seeing Elliott in the court room when I testified against Danny Smith. It was hard on me, but I had to make sure he lost his freedom for good. I was glad to hear the guilty verdict and then life without parole. I lit a candle for my husband and son.

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