Resemblance My --!

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The first thing I see is a Kate Kavanagh look a like walk in with Elliott, the second thing is she is very pregnant. I am just meeting her, why do people choose a happy occasion to finally introduce people they are dating to us. This is Melissa's sister and she looks nothing like her. I swear she looks like Kate, but I know that the Kavanagh family except for Ethan were killed in prison by people whose family were helped by Christian in their hours of need. Plus the Coping Together charities. Apparently all three had enemies waiting on them. The news was released about their blackmailing attempts nearly destroying GEH and riots broke out in both prisons and no one could find out who actually killed them off. I want DNA testing done on these young ladies and that baby as well. Ethan had them buried in an unknown graveyard and sold his last shares to Anastasia. Ray said the company is running great and they have been growing every day.

Okay this is going to be tricky but I call Ethan and ask him directly if there are any other siblings he might have? I didn't like the answer to that question. He offered to send DNA to test against Hailey and Melissa. He tells me that both of his parents cheated on each other. They could have children by other people and possibly even with each other without the other one knowing. I can't believe what he is telling me, but I have him send the DNA overnight and addressed to me at my home and marked urgent. We decide to enjoy our grandsons party.

Melissa and I were going to announce our engagement until we saw Hailey walk in and surprise she is very pregnant, but something else is wrong and I suddenly see the resemblance to Kate Kavanagh and so does everyone else in both families. So I decided not to make the announcement and she agreed it would be a bad idea. Melissa looks nothing like her sister because they aren't blood relatives. I hope this ends well and the boys have a great birthday. Two years old and still healthy and they look just like Christian and are getting taller.

I am dumbfounded that Hailey kept her pregnancy from me and here she is about to pop out a baby. Our parents never told us anything and the reading of their wills is where we found out we weren't blood relations we aren't even either one of their biological children. We were bought by our parents and for a pretty penny too. The letters they left for us told us this information but didn't tell us who our real parents were. I am still in shock when they come sit by Adam and me.

I am amazed at how much Hailey resembles Kate Kavanagh and how her sister doesn't. If you place them by each other there is no way they are related to each other. Both have to be adopted. The background checks I am looking at are of their parents and they don't look like their children. I show Carrick the pictures and he agrees that they don't look like them.

Elliott apparently doesn't see the resemblance to Kate Kavanagh or maybe we see it and it isn't real. The pregnancy looks real though so real I hope she doesn't go into labor here. At least Aaron can deliver the baby along with Grace. I think we are all stunned, but I am not so stunned that the engagement ring on Melissa's finger hasn't caught my eye. Adam definitely has asked her to marry him and she said yes.

I swear I want to knock some sense into Elliott's head because he's brought a pregnant Kate Kavanagh look alike with him. We knew he was seeing someone but hadn't met her until today. Hailey London looks nine months along and like Kate. Aaron and I had bought Anastasia's house and she hasn't found out yet. Her real estate agent kept having issues with the renters. Anastasia had her attorney handle the eviction situation. It took ninety days to get them moved out and they are being sued for the back rent and damage done to the property. Restraining orders were issued against them as well. It was a whole mess, she did them a huge favor and they screwed her. The damage was repaired or they were going to jail until they repaired the damage to her property. She got what she wanted and then some. Elliott came in and asked us what we wanted to do inside and we got what we wanted and the sale went through quickly after that. Sometimes being nice can backfire on you.

I knew this was going to be a huge deal my coming here right before our baby is born, but I thought he had told everyone about the baby. I was so wrong, but something else is going on here and I don't know what it is. I ask Elliott if he had told them about the baby and he said he tried to but he got busy. I am holding my temper because the stress isn't good for the baby. I could go into labor at any moment now, I hope not today of all days. Elliott has asked me to marry him, but I don't want to walk down the aisle pregnant.

Hailey is definitely mad at me because I didn't tell anyone about her pregnancy. She didn't tell her sister either. She has avoided her since she started showing. This is the first time the families have seen Hailey and they aren't looking at her in a good way. But they are keeping their distance for some reason. I help her to a seat by her sister who has been watching us closely. I go get her something to eat and drink and bring it to her. Her sister has an engagement ring on her finger. I want that as well, but Hailey doesn't want it yet.

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