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Hello guys! In this chapter, plans are made to be set in motion soon, a short version of Valka's life from joining Hiccup till now. The drama is going to start soon so stay tuned.


Helga strolled along the cobblestone path, casting wary glances at both the dragons and the inhabitants of Drogon's Edge. It had been a full month since their arrival in the home of these winged creatures, and she despised every moment of it. Her hatred extended beyond the dragons to the people, particularly to Empress Astrid Hofferson, once the beauty of Berk and now easily the most captivating woman in the entire Archipelago.

The time away from Berk had been kind to Astrid, enhancing not only her physical features but also her marriage with Hiccup. Helga couldn't escape the constant comparisons, and it got on her nerves. Astrid consistently beat her in every aspect, beauty, strength, and intelligence. The fact that Astrid had managed to secure Hiccup's heart and build a family only intensified Helga's irritation.

Astrid had always been the one to surpass her, even in the game of life. During Astrid's supposed death, Helga had briefly enjoyed the spotlight, but now it was evident that her fate was to forever linger in Astrid's shadow.

The once popular notion of Helga becoming the most popular girl on Berk quickly changed, leaving her trailing behind the blonde, and always finding herself at the bottom.

Even Hiccup who had been a meek fishbone on Berk was now a very handsome and powerful person. Every girl from Berk was falling head over heels for Hiccup and it annoyed her that Astrid had beaten her yet again, by tying the knot with him before her.

Her frustrations were fueled further, as Snotlout had distanced himself from Helga, a clear sign of his crush on Astrid. It was evident to her that he harboured ambitions of ousting Hiccup to claim Astrid for himself. This realization fueled Helga's resentment further, as she understood that Snotlout had been drawn to her not for her personality but solely for her beauty and popularity. In a sense, she reciprocated that personality, she too, might have chosen someone like Hiccup for his handsome and powerful qualities, but she had at least come to terms with her defeat.

Snotlout, however, displayed an ego as big as Ymir himself. His grand plan involved overthrowing Hiccup, subjecting him to humiliation before ultimately killing him and taking Astrid as his own. Helga couldn't help but view the plan as nothing short of 'stupid.' Despite her awareness that it was destined to fail, she reluctantly joined Snotlout, driven by her desire to eliminate Astrid and restore her honour.

Mildew, driven by his hatred towards aligning with 'fire-breathing demons,' had also thrown his lot in with them. Spitelout assumed leadership of the group, fueled by his want for power and the realization that, with Berk now officially allowed to stay on Dragon's Edge, eliminating Hiccup and his offspring, to stop Zephyr from claiming the throne through blood right, would make them the Royal Family.

Supporters, including Snotlout's lackeys, villagers, and the rather enthusiastic 'Mini-Snotlout' Gustav, had rallied behind this ominous cause. Their collective anticipation heightened as they awaited the perfect opportunity to execute their plan...


Snotlout strode with outgoing confidence toward the castle, flanked by his loyal companions who mirrored his smug expressions.

In his mind, the plan his father had meticulously laid, outplayed like a brilliant masterpiece. The plan was set to unfold this very month, using the guards' distraction as they focused their attention outside the castle and on the surrounding oceans. After all, why would the guards be looking within the castle walls when they knew their people to be remarkably loyal?

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