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Yes, I took a lot of time to update, and I'm really sorry. This chapter is a bit of a cliffhanger and I'll be uploading the next chapter in the next three days or so...

~ On another note, to clarify Valka and Eret's relationship... Valka loves Hiccup she always did, she didn't come back to Berk cause she was afraid she might hurt Hiccup when he found out that she was a dragon rider as then he would be learning how to be a dragon killer. And when she found him again and realised how much he suffered because of Stoick and the other teens she stopped loving him. During her stay on Dragon's Edge after the battle with Drago, she sees Eret acting as a father figure and a person whom her son respects and admires and so she starts getting attracted to him. Not because of looks or cause she wanted to get over Stoick but because he treated Hiccup like his own son in a way Stoick never had ~


"Wake up, muttonhead!" Spitelout whisper-shouted to his son.

Snotlout groggily rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed, still trying to shake off the sleepiness. The full moon outside the glass window was the only source of light in the dimly lit room.

He saw the twins and Gustav standing against the large doors leading to the corridor, Dogsbreath and Mildew were standing behind his father while Helga was crouched next to his bed.

"Ok ok, I'm awake, calm down, I needed my beauty sleep," Snotlout told his father.

The twins tried their best to contain their laughter while Mildew held his head in his hands, and Spitelout simply rolled his eyes while motioning to his son to get ready for the mission.

Helga handed him his helmet and helped him put on his armour. While he picked up his sword, from beside his bed, he noticed a few of the Jorgenson allies such as Hoark the Brave and Ack the Bold, were also standing beside Spitelout and Mildew outside the room... Maybe they were helping the Jorgensons with the plan... he was furious that his father had not told him about the new additions to the group.

As Snotlout strolled, lazily, outside the room, followed dutily by Helga, the twins quietly closed the large doors of the Accommodation Hall and then locked it, stopping the Berkians from foiling their plan. Unbeknownst to them a few of the Berkians had already left the room completely undetected by the Jorgensons and their allies...

"All right, listen up, you bunch of muttonheads," Spitelout grumbled in a low voice. "This an important mission... a necessary mission... We all know the plan and the rendezvous point to escape, so do NOT mess this mission up! Am I clear boyo?" He asked his son.

As Spitelout spoke, Snotlout couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. This was his chance to prove himself, to show that he was more than just a hotshot Viking. All of them nodded and quietly sneaked away to do their part in the evil plan.

"Watch out Hiccup what is yours is rightfully mine... and I'm coming to take it all back..." Snotlout whispered to himself.

Snotlout stole a glance at the twins, who were grinning mischievously. Gustav looked determined, Dogsbreath seemed unusually serious, and Mildew was dutifully following along. Helga shot Snotlout an encouraging smile, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence.


"Hiccup calm down everything is going to work out," Astrid told her husband.

Hiccup's mind raced with doubts and what-ifs, a cloud of uncertainty hanging over him like a storm.

"But what if the twins lied to us maybe it was an elaborate plan to lower our guard, to lead Zephyr out of the safety of the castle what if... what if?" Hiccup was broken from his rambling with Astrid's infamous death glare.

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