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Yeah I know it's been almost three weeks since the last update I'm sorry. I was busy with my college starting and I didn't have time to update. But I promise the next update will be uploaded in a couple of days so stay tuned.


Snotlout's mind was a chaotic whirlwind, unable to form coherent thoughts. Describing his state as merely confused and shocked would be a colossal understatement. To his astonishment, Hiccup was alive and now held the title of Emperor of the Draconian Empire. As if that revelation wasn't enough to send his already dizzy brain into a tailspin, he discovered that Astrid, his biggest crush since he could remember, was also alive.

The sheer advancement of the village astounded him, with some inventions appearing as larger replicas of those Hiccup had demonstrated on Berk. Snotlout remembered them from when he and his friends used to destroy those very inventions, followed by a ruthless beating towards Hiccup.

However, the true bombshell dropped when he learned that Hiccup had a daughter.

In a reaction that seemed rational only in his mind, Snotlout let out a high-pitched, feminine scream, leaving Hiccup bewildered, while his eyes and fingers darted between the Emperor and his daughter.

"What did she just call you?!" the shout echoed through the air, a testament to Snotlout's disbelief and the surreal nature of the situation.

Hiccup looked at Snotlout with a bemused expression, a mix of amusement and confusion evident in his eyes. The scene was surreal to everyone present, and Snotlout's outburst only added to the already chaotic atmosphere.

"Uh, yeah. Surprise?" Hiccup replied, attempting to maintain a sense of composure amidst Snotlout's unexpected reaction. Astrid stood nearby, smirking at the whole situation, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

Snotlout stammered, "B-But you were supposed to be dead! And s-she's your daughter?"

Hiccup nodded a proud smile on his face. "This is Zephyr, my daughter. And, well, things have changed a lot since you last saw us."

"Wait, wait, hold up a fricking second! You have a daughter? When did that happen, and who's the mother? Are you even married? You do realise a child born outside of wedlock has to face death, right?" Stoick fired off a barrage of questions, attempting to make sense of the unexpected revelation.

"If you think for a moment that I'm going to let you touch my daughter, you're sorely mistaken," Hiccup declared to the bewildered Berkians, gently scooping his daughter into his arms.

Toothless, sensing the threat to his best friend's family, began to snarl menacingly at Stoick for suggesting such a thing.

"Secondly," Astrid interjected, "This is our daughter. Hiccup and I are married, and, as he said, lay a finger on her, and I'll personally send you all to Valhalla myself." She gestured pointedly between herself and Hiccup, making it clear that their family was off-limits and not to be trifled with.

"Okay, I think I'm going to faint. I don't understand anything. How is Useless an Emperor, and he has a daughter with Astrid? They're married—how did that happen? Why would you even run away to marry this loser here?" Snotlout blurted out, clearly hyperventilating. The rest of the Berkians seemed equally perplexed, mirroring the questions racing through Snotlout's mind.

Astrid's face turned as red as a Monstrous Nightmare, and the air around her practically radiated her frustration. The Vikings wisely took a few steps back, not wanting to be caught in the wake of the short-tempered Valkyrie. Snotlout, being clueless, stood only a few feet in front of Astrid with his mouth agape.

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